
Aug 12, 2005 16:01

Just kinda bored right now. Also kinda hungry.

I think my dad got a check today for some moneys. Which I might have them use to get me a la car. I looked in the classifieds today and found some pretty good cars for cheap. It bad enough my dad is afraid of me driving. This was told to me by my mother. Ive thinking this for sometime now. Also thinking about stealing the peoples across the street boat. But that a different story.

Everyone just about I know is getting a job. I know it isnt the best idea for me to have one this year. Due to the horrifing classes Im taking. Lets see, Im taking, Phsyics, Trig.,Applied Comp., Brit. Lit, Art of the Film, Electricity, Jewelry and text, Stainglass, and Drawing and painting.

99.1 WMYX is fucked up.
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