May 30, 2007 22:16
Well it seems like the right time to be doing this.
From now on, my personal posts will be friends only. This is for my sake of mind so I know who is reading my RL posts.
Everything else will be public, including fanfic and graphics.
So don't freak out that you won't be able to read my fics if I don't have you friended. This is not the case. My fics will ALWAYS be open to the public on this journal.
I will also be doing a clean up of my friends list and I will be de-friending anyone who doesn't comment on my journal anymore and vise versa. People grow apart, it's what happens. This is in no way trying to hurt/insult anyone.
If you do find yourself de-friended and don't think I should have or would like to talk about it, feel free to comment (they will be screened) or you can email me (addy is on my userinfo).
Also to those who have friended me and I have yet to friend you back is because I don't know who you are! So please take two seconds to say hey and introduce yourself. If you're just here for fic or art, please let me know.
Again, personal posts will be f-locked, everything else will be public.
flist cleanup