Nomination, Community, and Banner...

Nov 01, 2005 11:19

The nomination pixie came around again. Sunscreen and Sand had been nominated at the Vampire Kisses Awards. *huggles to the nomination pixie*

And some pimp-age. copykween had opened a new community, seeking_spike. It's a BtVs & AtS Search Community. And in the words of Copy: "This community was created as an aid to those in search of fanfiction, graphics, artwork, and screencaps (or anything else you can think of) having to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. Please feel free to request help in finding the location/author/artist of your favorite BtVS and AtS creations."

So go join now! Don't forget, the more people who know about this community, the easier it will be for everyone to find the goodies they are looking for. So, spread the word!

I also was creative and have made a new Spuffy banner. Check it out behind the cut.

This banner is sharable. If you snag, please comment/credit. And no hotlinking!

Resources in my user info.

new com, noms, btvs - banners

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