If A Guy Is Perfect, Why Is He Unattainable?...Or Single.....

Sep 25, 2004 18:24

This is what i want in a guy....am i too picky? Comment and let me know.

He has to be:
1- Funny
2- Smart
3- Creative
4- Romantic
5- Friendly
6- Happy
7- Sense of Humor
8- have a serious side
9- knows when to be funny and when to be serious
10- smells good
11- Taller than me (not necessarily needed)
12- Can always make me laugh
13- sensitive
14- hangs around with his friends as well as me and mine
15- doesnt suffocate me
16- shows he cares
17- can always surprise me
18- takes me to the movies and puts his arm around me
19- doesn't push me to do things (but isn't prude!)
20- kisses...good
21- Not from GH cuz they have horrible dorky nose picking, drooly, retarded, bad kissing guys there!

~so far the people i showed this to said:
Tracy: he'd hafta b gay cause he'd be perfect...but ur not too picky
Lauren G: Ur not too picky...u just want the perfect guy
and a couple other people said stuff like that but i forget lol but u get the trend lol. lemme no wut u think!
Also, i realized i had a guy that fit that and he wasn't gay...he was really good...with the exception, he wasnt a good kisser, he was ok. asnd i broke up with him after 4 months and now he has a girlfriend and thats fine because i dont like him anymore but i cant believe i had everything i wanted in a guy and i let him go for no reason. Thats how i am though, i think im just afraid of commitment becuase i just cant stay in a relationship 4 that long
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