Little update

Sep 02, 2011 22:14

Obviously I havn't updated in a while. I havn't done anything l4d since the zarla cameo, because obviously it was long as hell (Over 40 pages of ten font) so fanfics I got out of it. I recently got back into some of the stuff, so I'm going to show you two demos.

Ok the first one started as a roleplay with some of my friends, that they were too lazy to do well. Since I was the mod on skype, I edited everything, so everything is my work. It's not partically good, or long, because it's a work in a progress but what ever :/

"It is the first day for the famous magic of Dalaran, located into a whole new arcane dimension. Freshman all around the school look in shock and wonder of the beautiful area they stepped into. The mesh of astonishing shades of purple, violet, and dark sky blue, the cherry blossom trees, chalk full of pure arcane memory. The way the towers watch over the in a majestic awe.
In the middle of the courtyard, there is an enchanted stand where a long line there. At the end of the line is where you get your "Official name". The school has a strange rule against learning the name of fellow students. Instead they are given nick names. Long or short, there is one for everyone name. Many try common names like Dumblore or Gandalf, or thoughts of strange like Pittbull, or Princess. By the end of the day, there is one nick name to every student, without repeating names.
Our story revolves around Audrey, a freshman at Dalaran. She came from a simple life to better herself, for various reason, but little did people realize that she would change the face of the dimension forever. When she registered, she choose the name, "Kali" for her late sister, who died in a raider attack.
Like many nymphs she darted straight for the garden. She saw 5 foot hedges, small creatures everywhere, but not disturbing the other students. She saw multiple trees of various species, and types. Willows, and Oaks, and also Mahogany. Other nymphs were running around, happily playing with bunnies, and doves, and many so more!
She spent a small five minutes in the garden before she heard a large bang, a set of explosions in the dawn, and a loud female voice appeared throughout all the students.
“All students! Please make it to the auditorium, the teachers will signal you where to go. Please make you way to it! You will receive further instructions there!”
Kali sludged out the garden, somewhat sad to leave her new friends, but somewhat exited for the knew lessons she might learn. All entrances was swarmed by people . Everyone trying to enter. Kali wasn't good with people. She never liked crowds, but this is simply berserk. She slowly made her way into the crowd. Small droplets of nervous sweat drops from her forehead. She have never seen so many people before, let alone in the same place. When she entered, she saw faint glimpse of pictures. Many in fact. Some of men of high nobility. Some of women, with long crooked nooses, with a large caldron. Some, of the ancient race of Orcs, with fire emanating from his hands. The waves of people made it hard for her to see however
Although to her distaste, she follow the ever growing crowd. Everyone was funneled into a large room. Seat of red cloth, mahogany bases, with pure arcane, imbedded into the legs and the arms of all the chairs behind the eye can see, or at least that’s what Kali thought.
Everyone seemed to know where they were going. They waited in a large line, one at a time, they left the formation.
The person in front of her had left, taking to the left, until she heard the women’s voice from before. “Please Ms. Audrey, take a seat next to the women in front of you”
She thought to herself for a moment, not expecting what happened, but then simply shrugged, and follow quickly, and quite quietly behind her.
After roughly ten minutes,"

I tried something different, so whatever, more descripitive. Daleran was my inspiration for the scene.

The next one is horrible, zarlas cameo is child play to what I planned, becaus eI'm using so many different styles, trying to change each peice of the story, but incorporating Ernest Hemmingway's style that the story progress's the hero, not the other way around. Obvoisly you don't know whats going on, but it's much larger, with over 10 povs, each focusing around one character, than editing together so it sounds better, which I COULD USE SOME HELP BADLY >.Kaltazar, a Halfling settlement, near the hearth-acke forest. Only the most brave would try to venture near there, which brings the question; Why are there Halflings trying to make a settlement there? Castien was a kind man. He headed there, about a two day march from his location, a inn on the outskirts of a fairly large village.
He grabbed his equipment, a steel enforced, wooden buckler, his clothes on his back, and his supplies. He doesn’t hve gold, as he spent it all drinking his life away, thinking of what has happened recently. The unprovoked roits, the monsters that he can see, the way he hears things that no other can. It was too much for him to take at once.
Castien thought that possibly helping out the settlement would keep his mind off of it, but it lingers. What is happening. He already rented a room, and heads put it.
“Go upstairs, first room on the right.”, the innkeeper said, as she continued writing things down in a book. Most likely a lodger for wages.
Castien makes his way up, the stair creak with each step. Sounds of voices rush through his head. Some warn him, others beg for mercy from him, others just laugh.
Castien tries to ignore them, but it gets into his head to much, as he slowly cracks under his drunken stupor. He kicks his room’s door open, in a rage. It clunks open, slamming against the wall as he enters.
The room is small, rather bland, perfect for a small inn. There is a small bed, very rugged, but seems very sturdy. There is a window, where Castien sees the stars, and a waning gibbous moon. Finally, he sees a large crack in the wall, that the door hit.
He looks outside once more. The stars twinkle, a sign of mixed signs. It meant times would be hard, brutal, and painful, but it will be worth it. Castien looks down, a small caravan just rolled near the inn.
It doesn’t look large, two wagons of supplies, three guards, a large merchant, and a horse.
“Nothing import-, wait.”, Castien said, as something moved in the shadows. It moved with great speed, too great, and with the added affects of the shadows, Castien couldn’t tell what it was.
Something shiny flew, generally slow, but two of the guards go down. The other guard draws his weapon, just as Castien rushes down to help. He hasn’t a weapon, but it isn’t going to stop him.
He jumps down the stairs, three steps at a time, and runs out. People watch as he rushes towards the small exit. He goes out, shield raised, when all he can see is darkness. Nothing else in view. The merchant is gone, the wagons are gone, the animals are gone, the people are gone, the shadow is gone, but there is something shining in the grass.
Castien walks over, and picks it up. It’s a fairly large dagger, not enough to be a short sword, mind, but still large. The hilt has a second blade at the bottom, but much small than the rest of the blade. The wrap around the hilt is soft, and cold. Something to investigate later. The markings are also strange. It has elvish markings. Lines, with curves like wind against a invible tree.
Castien didn’t explore much into his heritage to know everything, but he knows he saw the markings once, but where? I didn’t matter.
Small drizzles drop over Castien as he investigates the blade, too little for him to notice, but then it started raining harder. Castien didn’t care, but than the he felt the wind. It felt like leaf in a wind spell. Sure enough as he looked up, the moon and stars were gone, replaced now with darken skies, covering all but the stars in the horizon.


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