I remember vaguely hearing about his death(not suicide) in 94.
They were playing Heart Shaped Box on CNN while covering it.
And I remember just listening in awe to the music.
Kinda silly but you have to realize how sheltered I really was.
That was back when Mum sheltered me from damn near everything.
I was a mamma's boy at the time and whatever mum said was law.
I remember asking my older brother Duke who he was
And he set to work on catching me up on what I was missing.
I finally heard what everyone was talking about.
And not just Nirvana, but all the rock bands.
Duke used to sneak me songs from Black Sabbath, and Slayer
And my ears happily soaked it all up.
Kurt would be 39 today... kinda hard to imagine that.
"Live Hard And Fast And Die Young Leaving As A Good Looking Corpse"
Some of my personal heros are River Phoenix, and James Dean.
Rebels with loads of style and talent who died too soon.