Feb 07, 2006 11:56
So I'm frickin starvin this morning cuz we had done our usual run a little long and I had missed breakfast at the chow hall.
I don't like eating out that much cuz it cost money, and even though the food sucks at the mess hall cuz it's run by civilian cooks
It's still food none the less that is there at certain times if you can catch it.
I refuse to eat their their fast food lane because of the amout of grease that is their sandwitches.
So yea my silly point in all this is that twice this morning I tried to get food outta the vending maching
Both times it failed and I lost two dollars in the process.
The first time it sucked my dollar I made my selection, it made a schrunking(sp?)noise and then said in green letters...
"Thank you, have a very nice idea"
This prompted me to beat the machine and try to tip it a little so I could get my stupid honey bun.
I swear people have starved to death trying to get food out of these things.
Police and morgue folks probably have to clean up the corpses around the vending area on a regualr basis.
Those poor homeless folks...
Oh well I caught lunch, I just felt I needed to rant about something really crazy and random.