Holly Shit The Vampire Diaries!!!

Oct 14, 2011 22:10

I know I promise myself to not write any reviews!!! Nothing larger than few lines but this episode of The Vampire Diaries totally deserve lots of writing. Holly shit... At the beginning of the show I admit I was watching it only because of Ian and I was like WTH is this crap, but hell this show turned up to some kind of huge madness and I totally love it now. This is so insane...

Anyway it seems that I am over excited... WOW !!! So I am going to my review after that its time to make some icons!!!

So... About the new episode... Some of you maybe noticed that lately I am totally Forwood fan. And I was waiting for this episode only because of them, but... Well... This was the most perfect episode which TVD ever made.

First of all I can't deny how brilliant Klaus is!!! Because seriously he figured it out... Damn smart ass!!! And the way how he compelled Stefan was amazing. I may even start love him after this I mean Stefan. It was about time to see him bad and not so perfect like we used to see him so long. Because lets face it no one is perfect.

Damon... He is an idiot and I will always love him. He is that combination of a bad boy with a great and awesome heart. The way how he played with Katherine kicked ass. And she deserved it after all problems she caused but I have the feeling that this time she will be a good bad vampire bitch. And Elena... I think after that episode we will see her change to ass kicking woman too, because seriously... She saw Klaus compel the man she love and smells like revenge. Oh what a revenge. Go Elena!

Once again I have a really important question... When the hell someone will eat Matt and we will stop seeing him? Seriously... Nothing personal but he do... exactly nothing in the show, just hanging around. Same goes for Klaus annoying sister!!!

And now about one of my most favorite creatures in this show!!! Tyler and Caroline!!! When Klaus snapped Tyler's neck my reaction was "SON OF A BITCH" this neck is for biting, kissing, sucking and so on but not for snapping. Seriously in that moment my heart stopped. Because TVD without Damon or Tyler is like Supernatural without Sam or Dean at least for me.

My first thought when Tyler's transformation was successful was "YEY!!! Forwoord foreve!!!" But than... than at least for me had a glint into Tyler's eyes... He looked like... well... good puppy turned to bad, fanged puppy!!! I mean seriously there had a bad ass glint in his eyes I am ready to give my head for that. And if we put the fact that he was over excited like he took a bag full with ecstasy this makes me think one thing: OH SHIT!!! Troubles on Forwood sky!!! Conclusion... Don't drink Elena's blood!!!

And the end our lovely Balthazar opening his eyes... Ooops now is Mikael was creepy!!!

Well Tyler Lockwood you hot piece of fanged pup you were right... This will be awesome year.

And now I am fucked up... I feel like I drink from Elena's blood and I am craving for more TVD!!! Bring it... NOW!!!

tv: episode reviews, the vampire diaries

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