White Collar Summer finale thoughts!!!

Sep 08, 2010 13:24

Made by me but still not posted in the art community

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! When the previous episode ended with friend of mine we were talking how evil they are to stop episode there! And I told her imagine what will be summer finale if this not the finale episode! And they did it! But I never imagined to end like this! I mean seriously!? They can't do this to us! No freaking way!

I kind a liked the idea that Fowler is not such a big evil like we thought. Like Neal he lost everything but he took the wrong decision something what Peter said in the previous episode. I'm glad Neal didn't shot him. I also loved how he was loosing it the whole episode I mean Matt is totally 100% hot when loosing it! And the whole master plan to lure Fowler out... He is one damn hot genius. And I'm grateful he had Peter other way he may took the wrong decision...

And now back to the end of the episode my moth dropped open to the ground! I mean come one! Mozzie shot?! Is he dead?! OMG no freaking way! I even start reading spoilers, something I never do! I... Uh... Poor Mozzie he always been so careful and a little bit paranoid and imagine him now...

And at the end... Why this guy want the music box, what is the code?!!?!? Oh damn! I am ready to bet that I'm not the only one who wants to scream after this summer finale!

I so can't wait for January... I hate when writers do this to us! 1st Supernatural, than Make It Or Break it and now White Collar! These people want to bring me a heart attack! Seriously!

white collar

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