(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 14:14

So I just read the latest chapter of One Piece. I'm so happy! Zoro finally makes an appearance! I don't know whether to be aw he lost an eye or fangirling because he looks incredibility hot with one eye and that new scar...who am I kidding, I'm fangirling pretty badly...which is kind of bad because I'm currently in a library and when I saw that last page, a high pitch squeal left my mouth before I could stop it. That got some angry glares sent in my direction. I'm so happy right now. Zoro, zoro, zoro! My friends and I have this thing that we do when we're fangirling hard over some guy whether real or fictional which is some thing along the lines of:


XD Usually we insert w/e person we're fangirling about.

*stuffs the fangirl in a cage for a bit*

So for the last month I've been reading One Piece from the beginning until the time skip. There are many things I wonder about still or feel like they would come up later. And of course I was fangirling over all the Zoro and zolu (that's my ultimate OTP) moments.

First thing I want to talk about, when Zoro first joins up with Luffy that if Luffy gets in the way of Zoro's ambition he would make Luffy commit hitokiri (I'm getting hitokiri from an old scan of One Piece). So since recent seem to emphasize that Zoro is putting Luffy's ambition in front of his own. So I'm wondering if it might come up in the future.

Second thing, at the end of that chapter 7, I think, when Luffy and Zoro leaves Coby, in the first version I read the narration boxes said something along the lines of because of an oversight Luffy and Zoro are going to have trouble in the future. The next chapter you find out they those two have no navigational skills. I figure that's what the trouble was but because Coby has gain the ability to use haki. I'm starting to think it might be him. I know that the versions on cloudmanga.com just says that they're going to many difficult challenges from then on so since I don't know Japanese I don't know if it's just the way that that scan group was interpreting or if it's relevant.

Oh, if you found what I just said glaringly obvious then I would like to say that I'm probably one of the most oblivious people in the world.

Another think that I would like to point out. In Little Garden when Zoro, Nami and Vivi are stuck in the wax and Zoro was planning to cut off his feet. From what I've read in fanfictions and on forums everybody thinks the idea is ridiculous and one of Zoro's eccentricities. I don't get how it's ridiculous. I see it as extreme? Yes. Ridiculous? No. It's fiction so we know they're most likely going to be saved by someone. If you think about having a body part stuck and your choices are stay to possibly get save or losing a limb to possibly live longer which would you choose. There are real life story of people in similar situations where they did cut off their limb to live. Ex, there was a guy in the middle of that part of Australia that is basically uninhabitable. I don't remember exactly what happens but basically a giant rock fell on his arm. Chances of someone finding him were slim so he used his pocket knife to cut off the arm that was stuck and then went to get help. I know that Zoro had other people nearby who could've (did) come and help him but in general I just don't see why that idea of his seem ridiculous. Now the posing thing that was funny and silly. I loled really hard when he did that.

Oh, and I apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes. 

one piece, zoro

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