Uppcon, probably the most well known japanese-related convent in Scandinavian. It takes place in Uppsala, I've gone there the last two years and I have to say, it never gets dull. I love going there, not only do you always have something to do, watch and buy stuff all the time, you get to know new and nice people. Hug a random person, take pictures of random persons or have picture taken of yourself. Fangirl over someone cosplaying your favorite character (hah, I did meet a funny person who attacked/glomped me when I was fail-Ritsuka last year with my Soubi XD), watch anime in the salon, introduction japanese... This January I went with one of my dearest friends Angelica, and we had the time of our life. The next Uppcon, will be next year April 9th to 11th. And I will OF COURSE attend, with Angelica. <3 :'D
This time I will try my best to cosplay as Kiritani Shuji and Hibari Kyouya.
The first cosplay will be Angelica and me being Kusano Akira and Kiritani Shuji from the live drama Nobuta wo Produce. I will be the one with the red tie. xD
Mwuaha. That will be fun. The belt with the crown Shuji is wearing will be a bitch to find. Sigh. I should just keep looking, I hope I can find something in ebay. And the pants! Don't even get me started, we've looked almost everywhere to find fabric with that kind of pattern, and guess what? No luck finding any. We'll see if we manage to find that particular kind or just settle with something that resembles it.
Materials concerning the blazer and the shirt isn't going to be a problem, all accesable in our city. ^^ The tie though... Hmm...
On to my second cosplay! The one I will totally fail because I as a herbivore cannot compare to the awesomeness of Hibari-sama.
Bow before me or I'll bite you to death.
Hibari Kyouya from the anime Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! I haven't planned that much actually with this one. But I'll probably have to buy the Cloud ring from ebay. I don't think I can find it anywhere where I live. XD
Damn. And the Discipline Committee badge, if I have enough time I will make it myself, or I'll just buy it from ebay. XD Whaaat? I've never bought something from ebay, I wanna try. :3
By coincidence I bought some black fabric on a... uh... LOPPIS... Garage-sale? It was a really nice fabric and only for 40 SEK! That will end up as Hibari's pants (!) and some other nice stuff I want to try and sew. I want to bring real tonfas, but I don't think that's allowed. Aw bummer. How can Hibari be Hibari without his tonfas? Seriously? Next thing you know I can't even bring a hedgehog.
Oh, I need to find a pattern for that sweater. x'3 And I need to find a Dino. Or Mukuro. I need to slash them with Hibari.
Aw, tomorrow it's school time. I need more weekends. I made tempura with Angelica yesterday. It was very yummie. ^^
... God natt . :3