Nov 11, 2011 17:10
May we remember the fallen,
And thank the lord for the blessing of the Survivors.
May every one know that freedom doesn't come free,
And that without America, there would be no such hope or dream as "Freedom."
May we never forget the sacrifices the dearly departed made to keep the American Dream more than just a dream.
May everyone know that we're American and we're proud of it.
May every other country know that the Stars and Stripes aren't just the decor of our flag,
That each stitch in the flag represents the blood loss of the Freedom Keepers.
Let Freedom ring from the Appalaichens to the Rockies and further.
Let Freedom ring from the Great Lakes to the Rio Grande.
Here rests in Honored Glory the peace keepers and Freedom Makers.
May God bless the American Dream.