Writer's Block: International Skeptics Day

Oct 13, 2011 16:03

Well, it's definately not ghosts. I've lived in too many houses with activity to be skeptical of that. From things actually being moved, to pictures I've taken of my room, to anarchys being drawn on my closet wall, to my friend's mom's side of his family being a damn good medium. Also, my friends playing Bloody Mary kinda brought some shit up at her house and she has most of it on tape, from glass shattering, to her sister being thrown across the house.
I guess I'm skeptical about the "vampires" in Twilight. People do know that's based off an Ashanti myth of people running around at night with glowing asses and armpits, right? If you don't, then you're too far behind on your vampire history. 

writer's block

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