Nov 02, 2004 11:19
I talk to Jamie and my friends, and parents about politics quite a least about the campaign races and the candidates and for the last couple of months I think I could have told you that if I were allowed to vote (not a citizen) I would vote for Bush. It wasn't until this morning that I started really reading peoples livejournals that I thought about it and now Im not so sure.
Its not that Im starting to believe that Bush is evil, or that on his agenda if it were numbered: 1, 2 and 3 would be money, greed and oil. Its more realizing that in a race so hotly contested what does it matter who's elected? Almost the exact same amount of people are going to be disappointed that Bush wins/Kerry loses as would be if the results were opposite.
I dont know if its because every election the mud slinging increases and blurs the issues more and more but this race has certainly turned into a personality contest.
With all the talking and arguing Ive been doing, my decision would finally be based on personality and familiarity. Which bothers me...because thats a little scary.
For the first 3 years of his term in office, the media would have you believe that Bush HAD no personality and he was just a bumbling idiot. Throw Kerry into the mix and now Bush connects with the people, 'personality' now gives Bush the edge.
I dont know. For months I've felt like if Kerry were elected there would be riots in the streets. Hundreds of thousands of citizens would denounce Kerry as their president and god knows what else. Now that Im actually reading other peoples points of view, it seems there are a lot of people who would like to react that way if Bush wins. And I dont understand that.
People say 'the war' is wrong, that too many soldiers are dying. Not only did most of those soldiers sign up TO go to war, or at least knowing it were a possiblity but they are happy to be where they are and with every war that this country finds itself in we suffer less and less casualties.
We are not over there for oil...we are not even over there to control oil prices.
Im going to stop blathering on and on now.
I am excited for the results tomorrow morning and here is my prediction.
Being the incumbent, being slightly ahead in most polls, and having done quite a good job over the last 3+ years:
Bush will win by just enough of a margin that Kerry will not challenge the counts in most states.
Bush wins by a 4 or 5% margin.