Class of 2004... 2005?!?!?

May 04, 2004 00:17

any one who has not been informed of my mastery problem here it goes, I have missed 12 complete days of school this semester and had 30 incomplete days( check out early, skip, come in late). there for i am on the mastery list for all my classes. For those of you who don't know what that means let me fill you in. EX. If i had to take a mastery in english 4 then every english 4 teacher in nassau county writes a separate test and sends them to the school board. The school board picks questions from all of these test to make one big test that determines wether or not the student taking it passes the course, dispite their grade in the class. I have to take this test for all of my classes. JOY... whats so stupid is your not even eligable for the mastery unless your passing that class( even though your grade in that class becomes completly irrelivent after the mastery) so I may be forced to graduate next year if i don't pass those tests. stupid school board. i lack the socialopathic engery to issue threats to their dearest family members and friends, so i leave it to you my psychotic friends. So go, devour the flesh of the liveing and show these ignorant mortals the condeming powers of evil! or you know just post a comment telling me how bad it sux. I love you candice, no worries, if i had it to do over again, i wouldn't change a thing.
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