Dec 27, 2004 12:17
well, christmas came and went by FAST... got today off cuz the job i had cancelled so i figured i should update...
I got athena for christmas for a couple hours... she was sick so that kinda sucked, but hse had so much opening presents... she had to play with everything she opened before she would open another gift.. so she had fun for most of the day, but then she got sick and wanted to go home... new years next weekend already... where the hell did time go... it feels like i just graduated high school but its been almost 2 years...
Autumn is coming in tomorrow.... i cant wait to see her, i miss her a lot... hopefully bri wont throw a fit about athena being here while autumns, here, but shes been decent lately and we're getting along which is good for athena and both of us.. so i dont think it will be a problem..
well im in the process of re-dying my hair so im out y'all PEASH
oh yeah.. and criss cross fuckin owns!!!!!!