OMG a Fic!

Dec 15, 2011 04:54

Title- This Thing That We Have
Fandom- X-Men First Class
Pairing- Hank/Alex
Rating- NC-17
Warnings- Sex, post serum Hank, language.
Summary- After the battle on the beach things have changed and Alex really enjoys it
Word Count- 1,077
A/N- First time writing porn as well as writing for the First Class fandom so umm enjoy! Also big thanks to Captainnaustralia!!)

Sometimes Alex knew when it was going to happen, he knew because he brought it on himself. A quick flirt with one of the other students, a mildly inappropriate jest. These were just a couple things he knew would invoke the beast within his friend, his lover, his mate.

But it was moments like these that Alex lived for, the sudden attack, most of the time completely unexpected. Being pinned down on inappropriate things, in inappropriate places, more than once it happened in a crowded room and everyone got away as fast as possible because no one wanted to mess with either male when they were coupled like this.

He hissed as claws dug into his neck warningly, grounding him to this moment. Eyes squeezed shut he moaned into the counter, hips rocking back to meet Hanks aggressive thrusts. He was unprepared and initially the pain had been unbearable, but it faded as familiar, sinful pleasure took its place. Behind him he could hear Hank growling with each deep thrust, sometimes words would slip through words like “mine,” and “Alex,” causing the blond to groan, eyes rolling in the back of his head.

The large paw -- or hand, Alex wasn’t sure what to call it -- left his neck, raking claws down his back causing Alex to shiver, before it joined it’s twin on his hips and quickening the pace. It granted Hank full control of his lower half as he fucked Alex brutally.

Alex was close but he knew better, his hands balled into fists as he bit his lip and whined pathetically. Hank’s large furry hand wrapped around his cock, stopping his orgasm just before he reached it. Hank growled deeply his hips continuing to trust and all Alex could do was ride it out.

Alex’s favourite thing is when Hank is like this, succumbing to his inner beast in the most primal way. Is that it never is just once. Hank will fuck him twice, sometimes three times or more before he calms down enough to get a grip on the situation, to come “back to his senses”.

The first time, Alex is usually pounced and it’s almost always from behind, it’s rough it’s brutal and he’s not allowed to come because this isn’t about him, it isn’t about pleasure or even sex it’s about Hank deep need to claim Alex, mark him and make sure he, and everyone else knows just who he belongs too. Alex usually can’t stand afterwards and that’s okay because Hank is more than strong enough to hold his weight.

Secondly Hank never just comes inside Alex during the first time, no he comes all over Alex in absurd amounts, Alex still has no idea how the fuck he manages to do it, but it never ceases to amaze him or fail to make his cock twitch with lust. To feel Hanks seed spilled across his back, smeared into his skin with a large paw accompanied by a growl. At first he was freaked out, disgusted but then he realized... Hank was marking his territory. It didn’t make sense, humans didn’t have that great a sense of smell, but Alex never argued because Hanks beast was a primal entity and it’s instincts told him this was right.

Alex shuddered, whimpering as Hank came, he longed to as well and knew soon he could, it was never soon enough. “fuck Beast,” He panted out, too far gone for a wise crack and too turned on to do more than writhe in the others paws.

Hank turned him over and Alex scrambled to get leverage on the counter, propping himself up on his elbows as Hank crowded his space more, his erection rubbing up against Alex’s causing him to groan and drop his head back. Hank wasted no time in setting his teeth to the exposed flesh, marking it, claiming it as his own. Alex normally had several markings on his body, no one commented any longer or asked where he got them, everyone knew and Alex was rather proud. He was moaning now, hands gripping the edge of the counter his his hips twitched uselessly in Hanks unyielding hold.

Hank claimed his mouth finally and Alex’s arms instantly wrapped around the big furry head, keeping Hank close as he kissed the other desperately. Hank bit at his lips, more love bites than anything brutal or savage and never did he make Alex bleed this way.

Once more he slipped inside, claiming Alex a second time, already thrusting at a rapid pace Hanks hand wrapped around Alex’s weeping arousal and brought him to orgasm in a single stroke. Alex cried out, moans bouncing off the kitchen walls and surely loud enough for anyone in proximity to hear. He sagged in Hanks arms, one wrapped around his back as the other gripped his left ass cheek, nails digging in, causing Alex to grin lazily.

Hank came a second time shortly after, teeth biting into Alex’s shoulder who made a noise of interest but was still recovering. Hank was panting slightly his body slumped against Alex’s pressing the smaller male into the counter awkwardly. Alex’s legs hung loosely around Hanks hips, one arm draped over a massive blue shoulder while the other braced weakly against the counter. Neither one cared about the mess they were making.

Alex ran his hand through the fur on the back of Hanks neck fondly, while Hank licked at the deep bite mark he had left on Alex’s shoulder -- it was a soft moment for the two of them and usually these type of moments didn’t happen, not to say that Alex didn’t enjoy it. They were messed up but Alex wouldn’t trade it for the world. He loved Hank in a way not many would understand -- outside of this, this claiming dominance, he and Hank interacted no more than Alex did anyone else. There was no special treatment, if anything Alex was even more of a jackass to the other, and usually on purpose for this specific reason. But this... Alex loved this, was addicted to this because for some fucked up reason, Hank or at least some part of the genius wanted him. Wanted him, Alex Summers so bad he couldn't control himself. Alex had never had anything before, nothing like this heat, this primal desire. He’d die before giving it up, and he’d kill anyone who tried to take it from him.

hank/alex, beast/havoc, xmfc, fic

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