(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 09:31

Is it easy to make you cry?

What do you think people really think about you?
that im a bitch

What was the last song you listened to?
Blackbird by the Beatles

Do you hear anything right now? What?
Christina talking to Kat and Manuel chewwing

Have you ever shot a gun?

What's your favorite store?
Old Navy

Do you believe in love?

What flavor do you like the best?
any really lol

What about scent?
depends on the season...I like lavender

What is the first feature you notice on people?

How many times have you gone to the bathroom today?
like gone to the bathroom or actually used the bathroom? I've been in there like 5 times, gone twice

What's your favorite part about Thanksgiving?

When was the last time you cried? Why?
Saturday, I fought with chris

What's your natural hair color?
ugly boring brown

Who's your favorite football team?
I dont like football

Do you have any tattoos? Want any?
I have 4 i want more

Name one bad habit you have.
im messy

How many best friends do you have?
probably 1

What was the last thing you bought?
puppy stuff

What are you wearing?

Have you ever snuck out?

Where were you born?

Do you like your house?
It's ok

When did your most embarrassing moment occur?
i dunno

When was the last time you threw up?
about a year and a half ago...from bladder infection medicine

What's one movie you really want to see?
i dunno

What's the last movie you did see?
kung fu panda

Who'd you watch it with?

Have you ever searched your name on Google?

How often do you text?
All the time

What's something you want right now?

What's one word/phrase you say way too often?
i dunno <--thats what i say

Are you single?
nope happily married

Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston

Do you prefer pens or pencils?

Know anyone pregnant?
yes. 3 people. charlene, and 2 of my cousins

When was the last time you sung out loud?
on the way to work

Who knows you best?

Are you forgiving?

What's your favorite band?
i dont know anymore

What's your favorite sport?
dont much like sports

When was the last time you bought a CD?
probably a year

What was the last book you read?
the other woman by jane green

Are you going to be watching anything on TV tonight?
not anything specific

Which holiday is your favorite?
Halloween and christmas

Where are your parents right now?

When did you go to sleep last night?
like 11

How is your life right now?
It's pretty good

Name the one thing you're most thankful for.
my husband and him letting me get a dog finally

Do you believe in karma?
yes ma'am

What's your zodiac sign?

Have you ever broken the law? What'd you do?
yes..drugs n such stole when i was little

Can you speak more than one language?

Last, if you could have any superpower, which one would it be?
I would want to read minds
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