Originally my plan had been to go to school somewhere else and possibly stay there. I didn't want to be tied to my family like I was still attached at the umbilical cord, like I have been feeling. Having a large, make that HUGE, family is really hard.
Now that my mom is sick, plans have changed. I will be applying to OHSU after all. I start volunteering in the Dental School this Fall. I'll be staying in Portland. 90% sure. It's a little frustrating considering I've never lived outside of Oregon (unless you count a few months in Louisiana.) I never wanted to be the person that never left the place they were born.
I guess there are worse places to be stuck in.
Anyway. Ben and I are going to buy a house. We're working on getting our finances together, but that wont take long considering we have hardly any debt, and most of it can be rid of by selling Ben's truck and motorcycle. We'll have to purchase that Jeep we've always wanted, because after we have a house I doubt we will be able to purchase a vehicle. We'll also have to save up a little for a down payment. Ben's parents (all six of them) are pretty generous with their money, and I have a feeling that his adopted dad would be elated to help us with a downpayment. He was thrilled when we got married and gave us a 2 hour discussion about how we need to settle down. (This is coming from a former comune-living, pot growing, lets-not-make-the-kid-wear-clothes-if-he-doesn't-want-to hippy.)
Tommorrow evening we will be attending a homebuyer orientation from Portland Community Land Trust. (
http://www.pclt.org) It doesn't sound like the best deal, but we'd at least be able to build a little equity, so that when I'm done with school we have a little more buying power. I dunno. It's either that or live in a total dump.