May 31, 2008 17:19
What do I know?
I’m the world’s fucked up
Mop top kid.
Lo’ and behold they’d say,
“Gather yonder, all you kindlin‘,
There be a spectacle about that boy”
Cause when you’re a no good son of a bitch,
Shy of women goddamn pussy fearin’,
Lazy no good spick that ain’t got direction fuckin’
Kid like my ass be,
Word gets round of your lack of trophies
Dignity, pride, and respect.
So all you bitches out there,
Talkin’ ’bout my ass with frowns
Like y’all some high n’ mighty bastards
With the word of god always at the tip of your tongue,
And if I’d be a goddamn hypocrite
If I say I don’t hate ya’
If I said I didn’t enjoy a good jackin’ off,
I’m the goddamn mop top kid
Complete with lack of pride
But I know a purpose when I see one,
Like a prophet to the faithful,
I’ll represent that sunshine gut feelin’,
Like, “karma’s burnin bright in this here fucka’”,
Cause no matter what sort of shit goes down
I got those cosmic rays deep in my chest
And that always keeps the cold breeze
And frost away from my soul.
And they’d go,
“Damn, this fucka is burnin’ bright”
And I’d be,
“Fuckin’ a man”