Title: Just Testing You
bellemortedecadence'Verse: RL-verse?
Claim/Characters/Pairing: Justin Barker/ Travis Pack
Rating: PG
Warnings: Overt cuteness and silliness.
Disclaimer: We so do not imply that they are in a relationship in anyway. We just write for fun.
Summary: Rainy days and all that.
Table/Prompt: Size Matters/ Grey
Skies were dark and rain hit the window as Travis stared out warily.
“Com’on, talk to me. I hate when you get like this.”
“Get like what?” Travis slumped across the couch.
“Like a cat. Every time it rains you act all tired and bothered.”
“No…. I don’t.” Travis yawned.
“Aw, my little cat boy.” Justin joked.
“Shut up, you jerk.”
“Aw, com’on. You know I love you from your pretty blond hair to your toes.”
“You’re a dope.”
“I even love your pretty grey eyes.”
“I know…I just wanted to know if you knew.”
Title: Panic
bloodyraven'Verse: RL-verse, yes.
Claim/Characters/Pairing: Justin Barker/ Travis Pack
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nooone?
Disclaimer: We so do not imply that they are in a relationship in anyway. We just write for love of S,aR.
Summary: At a show.
Table/Prompt: Size Mattahs/ Anxiety.
When Travis looked across the audience, he felt sick. It was larger than any of the others they'd played. Those stupid butterflies came fluttering back into his stomach. He picked the bottle up again to take another pull. A hand found the small of his back and he turned around quickly.
He jerked around only to be greeted by Justin's concerned face.
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing. Guess I'm just nervous.”
Justin nodded, but began rubbing Travis' back in slow circular motions. “We're gonna kick ass. Don't worry.”
Travis smiled. “I know. Never hurts to be humbled every once in a while.”