I just got back from seeing
Michael Moore speak in London and it's now clear that I have no faith in the system.
"Yah, yah, whatever. You've just been indoctrinated by a passionate straight-talkin' liberal."
Nope, that ain't it. I'm a 26-year-old granny whose student loan hasn't come in. Because I was so paranoid about missing my train (Virgin thoughtfully emailed to tell me that it was leaving 15 minutes earlier than usual), couldn't afford (both time and money-wise) to change my ticket, and because the show started twenty minutes late, I LEFT EARLY. I missed most of what was probably the best bit, the Q&A. Feh.
The hour or so that I saw was fabulous, by the way. He talked about royal rumours (something to do with golf, bushes, and which shaft to use), how Blair is way more disappointing than Bush, and how he couldn't get a laugh by saying that the "liberal" candidate Dean is "not so liberal...he's pro-death penalty" when he's in the States. He also said that Canadians had the right idea about gaining independence (waiting for the British to get bored) and about elections (paper and pencil and counting by hand...which, unfortunately, is on the way out.) Also? He won't run for office because he "wants to live."
So, I had fun, aside from checking my watch every ten seconds.
And he was pretty embarrassed, and very apologetic, that he didn't know the book festival had corporate sponsorship AND that we had to pay.
While in London early this afternoon, I wandered down to Convent Garden to check out the infamous
Maple Leaf Pub. I decided against staying. As I was leaving, I ran right into Tina and Nils (ex-housemate of a few Bytowne folk and her South African fiancé), who I hung out with a bit in London when I first arrived. In a city of twelve million strangers, I found people I knew. Spooky. We ended up having a drink in the Bok Bar. Hee.
Two 'train' journeys today involved replacement bus/coach services. Bastards.
I went to Harrod's (dork!) and got Krispy Kremes (dork! dork! dork!).