Nov 03, 2009 20:42
Attention, my lovely crew~! Miss me?
I made a full recovery and will return to work with you all! Won't that be nice~?
Now onto business! Even when sick, I kept an eye on the network slightly. Our sweet prince has been kidnapped now and the other two ships have seem to go went off to do their business. So, listen up! Since it was our job to guard the blasted ship and everyone just had to jump into a scramble.
Tsk, tsk, tsk! Shall we go fetch for him, captian~?
[OOC: He's baaaaaaack. 8) AND OH YEAH. Grell turned 24 on Halloween. If your muses know of his birthday, then you can give him a late happy birthday. Your choice if they knew or not.]
rescue mission go,
oh shit he's better,
red trap's small amount of smarts,
grell is not pleased,
filtered: fierita