May 08, 2008 23:20
I had NOTHING to do today. No mid patients, no babies to be weighed, no calls, no NOTHING. I sat in the nurses station for 7 hours. The closest I got to actual work was saying hello to a dad who came to pick up a breast pump.
Anyway, I started looking through the antenatal records on the women who are due between now and September (yes, all of them, I was that bored) and there were some interesting cases. One girl had anti E detected, which I had never heard of. I'm still not absolutely sure what it is, but I think it's another one of the Rhesus factors, just a rare one. So that lead on to me looking up blood group type stuff because I can never keep the Rhesus stuff straight in my head. I got that worked out and then went on to look at how anti D works because I couldn't figure out why we'd give women the same thing that we don't want them to have. Turns out that we give them D antibodies so that their body won't make them instead - cool huh? Still don't know if there's an anti E we can give to women, or whether we need to, because the info on it was all from journal articles and I wasn't in the mood for scientific babble.
I also tried to work out what might've happened to my dad. He was told that when he was born his blood was "no good" so he had a blood transfusion and his blood group changed. He's O- now, and if he was that when he was born he couldn't have had hemolytic disease of the newborn, unless his blood group did actually change. I read somewhere that blood groups can change as a result of bone marrow transplant, and then there's the girl whose blood group changed after a liver transplant, but it seems fairly unlikely. It would be great to see his chart from back then, but who knows where that would be!
So then I found a woman who had a retroverted and bicornuate uterus. Now that is cool!
Ooops, now who's babbling?