Jun 10, 2005 20:15

Have You..
1. Kissed your cousin: No.
2. Ran away: No.
3. Ever pictured your crush naked?: lol cathleen/steph/hannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
4. Skipped school: not the whole day.. just a class
5. Broken someone's heart: don't think so
6. Been in love:  yeshh

7. Cried when someone died: dur..

8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
9. Broken a bone: Nope.
10. Done something embarrassing: Yes.
11. Lied: Absolutely.
12. Cried in school: Yeah.

13. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite.
15. Girls or Guys: well... girls for friends and guys for relationships.. lol
16. Flowers or Candy: Flowers.
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: Uhh.. .
18. Blondes or Brunettes: Depends..
19. Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants.
22. Night or Day: Night.

23. What do you notice first: overall style i guess
24. Last person you slow danced with: idk?
25. Worst Question To Ask: this one

26. Showered: after i finish this.. but umm last night
27. Stepped outside: haha yesterday
28. Had Sex: Never..

29. Best Romantic memory:

30. Your Good Luck Charm: don't really have one
31. Person You Hate Most: haha llllot'ss of people!
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: uuuuuumm
33. On your desk: ton's of things that aren't mine... all my brothers.... uhh cd's dvd's guitar pics.. ooh my camera.. pen's.. a sprite
34. Picture on your desktop: Letter Kills

35. Color: black and green
36. Movie: a deadly game of magic
37. Artist: right now fall out boy and senses fail... and always green day.
38. Car(s): umm
39. Ice Cream: cookie dough.
40. Season: Winter
41. Breakfast Food: freeking peanut butter and jelly

42. Makes you laugh the most: uuuumm hmm.. hannah most of the time
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: durr...
45. Has A Crush On You: i think a few people
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yeah I guess.
47. Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: Guys!!!!!!!!!!
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: =x

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yes
51. Save E-mails: Yes.
52. Forward secret E-mails: No.
53. Wish you were someone else?: Sometimes.
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Sometimes.
55. Wear cologne: No.
56. Kiss: haha
57. Cuddle: haha
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: ha all the time

59. Fallen for your best friend?: not best

60. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: no

62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: No.
63. Been rejected?: Yes.
64. Been in love?: yeah
65. Been in lust?: Yes.
66. Used someone?: No
67. Been used?: Yes.
68. Cheated on someone?: No
69. Been cheated on..?: No

70. Been kissed?: lol
71. Done something you regret?: Yeah.

73. You talked to?: Katie

74. You hugged?: I don't know.
75. You instant messaged?: Zach
76. You kissed?:  haha
77. You yelled at?: I don't know.
78. You thought about?: I don't know.
79. Who text messaged you?: Mikey.. im not supposed to text message lol

80. Who broke your heart?: Haha.
81. Who told you they loved you?: durr

82. Color your hair?: Yes.
83. Have tattoos?: No

84. Have piercings?: Yes.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: haha

86. Own a webcam?: No.
87. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: i t hink thats german
88.. Habla espanol?: not really
89.Quack?: lol.

92. Stolen anything?: wheni was like 4 it was an accident. lol
93. Smoke?: No.
94. Schizophrenic?: No.
95. Obsessive?: lol
96. Compulsive?: No
97. Obsessive compulsive?: No
98. Panic?: Occasionally.
99. Anxiety?: Sometimes.
100. Depressed?: Yes.

[.It's all about me.]
~Hi, my name is...

01. Name: Erin

02. Age: 14

03. Birthday: january 29

04. Chinese Zodiac: idk?.
05. Astrological Zodiac: Aquarius.
06. Home Town: Coral Springs FL.
07. Eye Color: They Change...
08. Hair Color: Red.
09. Height: 5'5
10. Weight: like 109

[.In today's world.]
~Today feels so...

11. Current Location: My living room.
12. Current Mood: BORED!
13. Current Annoyance: Nobody being online..
14. Current Hatred: Nobody being online..
15. Current Love: Music.
16. Current Weather: Rainy
17. Current Time: 8:35 pm
18. Current Date: 6/11/05 i think
19. Current Clothing: blue dickies green studed tank top.
20. Current Need: A shower.

[.That was so yesterday.]
~de ja vu?

21. Last person you saw: My Mom when she came in the room like a second ago and said something to me
22. Last person you were pissed at: umm
23. Last thing you touched: Mouse
24. Last thing you ate: A pickle =]
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: hmm my bubbie [ jewish grandma]

26. Last person you instant messaged: that question was up there somewhere...
27. Last thing you purchased: jeans

28. Last book you read: kiddnaping of christina.........
29. Last game you played: umm nothing.
30. Last person you missed: KATIE!!!!!!

[.The future is too close.]
~It's so bright...

31. Where will you be living?: NOT IN MISSISSSIPPPI!

32. With who?(if anyone): idk yet

33. What will be your profession?: umm

34. Married?: depends how old i am
35. Your future car: idk
36. Your dream house: A huge mansion.
37. Kids?: eventually
e.38. Pets?: kitty ! and  a dog

[.Playing favorites.]
~I simply love those...

39. Favorite Color: dude.. i already got asked this question!
40. Favorite Animal: kitty.
41. Favorite Artist/Band: ooomg
42. Favorite kind of music: Rock. Punk. alternative.screamo
43. Favorite month: january
44. Favorite weather: winter! cold! lol
45. Favorite sport::dancing..
46. Favorite food: Italian
47. Favorite stores: hot topic.. charlotte russe.. pac sun
48. Favorite article of clothing: dickies
49. Favorite song: 7 minutes in heaven.. and .tie her down
50. Favorite place to be: hmmm

[.What love life?.]
~Love is a battlefield...

A)- huh
51. Single, taken, married?: omg whats with teh same question over and over again52.

Are you in love?: .errrrrr
53. If so, with who?: errrr
54. Do they love you back?: errrrr
55. How long have you been with them?: forever
B)- [describe your ideal lover]
56. Eye color?: green
57. Hair color?: black
58. Personality?: Awesome.
59. Appearence?: Hot.
60. Other: [fill in whatever other stuff here.] ??????

[.The bad things.]
~The bad side of me...
61. My last argument was about...: oh yeah ! umm cause in the fall out boy when pete does that thing and i was watchinga different video cause it was really stupid and it was with annie lol it was soo stupid
62. I'm guilty of...: umm
63. I use profanity when...: constantly
64. I'm still mad at...: my mother.
65. My worst trait is...: uhh
66. I lied to...:

67. I still haven't...: told the truth about some things.
68. I hate...: you
69. I want to harm...: you.
70. I failed at...:  idk

[.The good things.]
~Feel good about yourself...

71. My best trait is...: im fun

72. People like me because...: im awesome. lol jk
73. I like to...: listen to music
74. I'm happiest when...: i dance
75. I want to...: dance
76. I succeed at...: actually passing math!
77. The last time I helped someone was...: ummm dunno
78. I wish for...: Money.
79. I laugh when...: people say something funny
80. Today, I will...: be rad

[.Word Association.]
~What word comes to mind when I say...

82. Angelic: ...angelica

83. Happy: Gilmore.
84. Emo: Dashboard.
85. Blanket: carebear

86. Blue: 's clues
87. Deity: loser
89. War: iraq
90. Melon: coly
91. Hate: love
92. Run: track
93. December: month
94. Best Friend: katie

95. Worst Enemy: you

96. Toothpaste: . toothbrush
97. Television: good charlotte.. cause i was watching drake and josh and then looked at the t.v and now i see good charlotte playing some song where they were like the doctor cuts your cord and hands you to your mom. weeirdo's
98. Competition: .dance
99. Love: hate
100. Serendipity: taco

~That was lame...

101. What time is it?: 9:10
102. Was this survey lame?: Took me a long time...
103. Where did you find this survey?: idk? i dont remember
104. Will you force other people to take this?: no
105. How do you feel after filling out 105 survey questions?: sure! since im bored.

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