Aug 01, 2005 16:24
well today I guess im just sad...and i dont really know gust feeling so depressed so unimportant.A guy i know asked me out saturday night.His name is Aaron...i said yes beacause he is a really sweet guy.I like him alot I just dont want to be hurt again like every time b4....everytime I put trust in people they backstab and hurt me alot...i just cant take it ne-more.Im almost to the point where I just wanna stop talking to people....stop telling people how i feel and just stop trusting ne-one.
Like for example,my friend Ethin who said he liked me alot more then just friends lied to me about this other girl that he was with while he was all over me...that makes the girl total to three...thats not even the worst part....Aaron had asked to see my purse and i said yeah and he was solding it.Ethin came and asked if he could go get it for me....and i was talking to my bff amanda and I told me that he could and when he got it from Aaron he opened my bag and took this mushroom necklace I got for my friend ashley who is 5.I didnt notice this till he told sydney (the girl he lied to me about) to tell me to tell lil ashley sorry..then i looked in my bag and i noticed it was gone.I told him he was a low peice of shitt.I dont think its nad to steal from a store but from a friend that is i told him that i didnt think i wanted to talk to him ne-more.I was so upset...then he told me i only cit myself beacause i was a emo-fag which is not true...and one time he cut himself with galss on purpose so he cant say shitt at least i have reasons........n-e ways im bored so if ne-one wants to talk my aol sn is soadchick27 and my yahoo sn is bloodymosher420
bye for now,