big scene last night after saving nice to be evil again.
BigBadWillystyle: ::opens REAL flask and drains it:: sod, need a refill
LordOfArashmahar: *watches Dawn intently*
TheKey84: aww, poor drunk spike
Allthewayjanice: (good point, alright... anyone mind if I do?)
ProphecyxG i R L: Dawn.. why don't you shut up and listen to what happened last night?
TheKey84: I know what happend buffy
TheKey84: Janice was totally honest
TheKey84: I know she pushed herself on him
BigBadWillystyle: ::snorts:: like Buffy would know what happened
TheKey84: back off spike
Allthewayjanice: *walks into view*
BigBadWillystyle: oh jolly, now for the second course
ProphecyxG i R L: If you know that you're friend was flaunting her neck like it was buffalo wings, you hadda know he wanted to nibble.
Allthewayjanice: Well, I always said I was attracted to the morons
TheKey84: spike, leave her alone
TheKey84: don't talk to me janice, i'm not in the mood
ProphecyxG i R L: (i had to make the wing reference)
BigBadWillystyle: (glad you got that in)
TheKey84: Buffy, it's not about her flaunting it, she does that with all the guys, it's nothing new
ProphecyxG i R L: Then what is it about?
BigBadWillystyle: first she wants to its leave me alone...make up your mind little bit
TheKey84: you haven't figured it out yet?
Allthewayjanice: well, my neck is my best feature. Well... that Spike saw anyhow
TheKey84: xander and willow have
X Man Xander: ::nods::
TheKey84: i'm not your "little bit" anymore spike
BigBadWillystyle: xander figured something out?
BigBadWillystyle: no...willow told him
LordOfArashmahar: *stands there like a referee, still staring at Dawn*
TheKey84: and janice, I wasn't talking about you flaunting your neck janice. you flaunt more than that
camper263: *gets angry, walks up to spike and slaps him*
camper263: Get the hell out of here, spike.
Allthewayjanice: And so what?
X Man Xander: willow didn't tell me anything bud, it's obvious that dawn just wishes you would want her...
X Man Xander: Oh god, I really did just say that didn't I?
TheKey84: xander, stop
Allthewayjanice: Buffy gets drunk and laid and its all hunky dory.
TheKey84: if he can't figure it out on his own . . . .
BigBadWillystyle: nice to have your permission red.
Allthewayjanice: and I do something and I'm all slut
camper263: that wasn't permission, that was an order.
BigBadWillystyle: and thanks for opening your mouth xander.
TheKey84: your words janice, not mine
ProphecyxG i R L: i'm a big girl janice. and this isn't about me.
BigBadWillystyle: but now i want to stay and chat ::smirks:: so Dawn have something to say?
TheKey84: not to you, not ever
Allthewayjanice: So Dawn, make something clear. Are you angry with me or supporting me?
TheKey84: both, I guess
Allthewayjanice: Of course it isn't about you Buffy, nothing is until you want it to be
TheKey84: I don't know anymore
BigBadWillystyle: ::claps sarcastically:: good answer!
TheKey84: janice, back off be you can't open your right eye
camper263: *looks at Xander* do you want to go? See how cordy's doing?
X Man Xander: ::looks back:: I need to do something first..
BigBadWillystyle: aww the lovers are sneaking off for a little game of bop the weasel
Allthewayjanice: *yells* This is crazy, now i can't even defend myself
TheKey84: *kicks spike in the groin* leave them alone
camper263: *belts Spike again*
LordOfArashmahar: *lightning sizzles between the two groups*
BigBadWillystyle: defensive much?
TheKey84: and to think I . . . . I actually
TheKey84: *slaps spike*
X Man Xander: ::puts both hands on willows face and kisses her. and then stops:: okay ::nods:: now we can go.
Allthewayjanice: *laughs quietly at what Spike said, then members* woo, glad I'm not him
BigBadWillystyle: ::grabes Dawn't hand:: just say it little bit
TheKey84: *spits in his eye* FUCK OFF
camper263: *stands there, dumbfounded, as Xander walks away*
TheKey84: *yanks her hand away*
Allthewayjanice: *looks shocked* So you were right!
BigBadWillystyle: ::lets go and Dawn falls down::
BigBadWillystyle: of course i was
Allthewayjanice: *kneels down* Dawn, are you ok?
TheKey84: *puts her hands to her face and sobs*
X Man Xander: ::turns back around:: i figured..
Allthewayjanice: *waves at Spike* Hello mister ego
X Man Xander: ::softly:: see ya willow.. i guess..
LordOfArashmahar: *D'Hoffryn looks really confused*
TheKey84: *wipes her eyes and stands up*
Allthewayjanice: (i'm with D'hoffryn)
camper263: *looks at Xander, still confused*
TheKey84: *looks at spike with pure hatred*
ProphecyxG i R L: ::sorta stands there with d'hoffryn:: i got another pack of coffee if you want it::
Allthewayjanice: *stands back up* guess so
TheKey84: Spike, I wish you were never born
LordOfArashmahar: *shakes his head* No thank you
TheKey84: *runs off*
BigBadWillystyle: don't we all ::walks away past D'Hoffryn::
Allthewayjanice: *watches Dawn leave* Dawn!
ProphecyxG i R L: Spike..
ProphecyxG i R L: Go to her..
BigBadWillystyle: ::ignored Buffy::
camper263: Xander...
LordOfArashmahar: ((bedtime, i got a busy day tomorrow))
LordOfArashmahar: ((ttyl))
X Man Xander: ::turns back around:: yeah?
Allthewayjanice: (g'night)
camper263: 'nite!
BigBadWillystyle: (later man)
LordOfArashmahar: *shrugs one more time and teleports out*
TheKey84: (bye gene!)
LordOfArashmahar has left the room.
camper263: what...
camper263: ?
X Man Xander: what was that?
camper263: yeahhhh..
camper263: what was that?
TheKey84: (hysterical love confession?)
ProphecyxG i R L: (hehe)
Allthewayjanice: (lol)
BigBadWillystyle: ::decides he's tired and sits on a nearby bench:: this should be good at least
X Man Xander: that's whats going on between us willow. thats whats going on here anyway.
ProphecyxG i R L: ::walks to bench where spike is:: spike.
ProphecyxG i R L: ::sits::
camper263: *still looks confused*
BigBadWillystyle: buffy.
Allthewayjanice: *leans against a wall... very clearly, by herself*
ProphecyxG i R L: dawn probably wants to kill me about now, going after you and not her
TheKey84: *runs into Willow's room and gathers what's left of willow's magick supplies*
camper263: *grabs Xander, kisses him back*
BigBadWillystyle: not the best with decision making are you
TheKey84: he'll pay . . . . i'll make him pay . . . . . . .
X Man Xander: *shocked* uhm.. its going on with you too?
TheKey84: *goes through the spell books willow's hidden around the house*
ProphecyxG i R L: not really no.. but you know why i'm here...
camper263: there's a lot going on with me
ProphecyxG i R L: you know shes back at the house, preparing to kill you. or me. or both of us...
BigBadWillystyle: got a stake ready then?
ProphecyxG i R L: spike i don't want you dead
Allthewayjanice: or me, maybe... but maybe not, cause she doesn't know
camper263: *kisses him again*
TheKey84: (what don't I know?)
X Man Xander: *kisses her back*
BigBadWillystyle: ::rolls eyes:: since when
X Man Xander: (and hah, none of you see them!!!!0
Allthewayjanice: (whether you're angry with me or not)
TheKey84: (oic hehe)
TheKey84: *finds a particularly nasty spell and makes sure she has all the supplies*
BigBadWillystyle: (thats what you think harris)
TheKey84: damn, need to go to the magic box tomorrow *takes the book and ingrediants to her room and hides them*
Allthewayjanice: *slides down the wall wondering if she should have gone after Dawn*
ProphecyxG i R L: spike, you're going to come back tot he house with me, tell her that you love her or whatever she wants to hear and kiss and make up. okay?
X Man Xander: willow.. i.. um, yeah..
X Man Xander: uh..
BigBadWillystyle: why do i feel a big fat....NO coming on?
Allthewayjanice: *goes to stand, then sits back down*
camper263: <-- just as clueless as Xander
X Man Xander: willow.. what exactly is going on with us? ::laughs::
camper263: ending our friendship?
TheKey84: *lays on her bed and sobs heavily*
Allthewayjanice: Argh! *punches the ground* ow, damnit!
BigBadWillystyle: (now thats dawn!)
ProphecyxG i R L: Spike... please? ::stands::
TheKey84: (:-P not my fault that's all she does on the show!)
Allthewayjanice: (shes crying? You're making her cry? But but she never does that :P)
BigBadWillystyle: oh well if your going to say please... ::gets up::
ProphecyxG i R L: She wants you.. to want her like you wanted Anya.. like you wanted me.. like.. you wanted her best friend.
camper263: I don't know what's going on.
Allthewayjanice: *stands up and tries to psyche herself for the yelling Dawn will give her*
X Man Xander: whatever it is... i like it.
camper263: *doesn't look so sure*
TheKey84: *wipes her eyes, stands up, and leaves the house*
camper263: I do, too..
BigBadWillystyle: fine, whatever. ::heads toward the Summer's home::
X Man Xander: moments like these anyway ::hugs her tight::
TheKey84: *sees spike coming and runs the other way b4 he sees her*
camper263: *hugs back*
Allthewayjanice: *starts to walk to dawn's, oblivious that the others are too*
ProphecyxG i R L: ::follows close behind::
BigBadWillystyle: ::knocks on door to no answer, shrugs and leaves for the Bronze::
ProphecyxG i R L: Spike!
BigBadWillystyle: you again?
ProphecyxG i R L: Stay.
TheKey84: *walks into the bronze*
ProphecyxG i R L: Porch.
TheKey84: (it could be a long wait :-P)
BigBadWillystyle: she's not here slayer
Allthewayjanice: *gets to the garden and looks up* what the? ohh. crap *stands there not sure what to do*
TheKey84: *looks around, immediately gets bored, and goes back home*
ProphecyxG i R L: just.. wait.
TheKey84: *slowly walks the streets, still crying*
Allthewayjanice: *laughs nervously* ahh, Spike *voice cracks* Buffy
ProphecyxG i R L: ::walks off the porch and looks in both directions, sees dawn::
ProphecyxG i R L: She's down here. Janice.. um.. hi. Come with me.
TheKey84: *stops and looks at Buffy*
TheKey84: *starts walking again*
BigBadWillystyle: no. i'm not yours to order around slayer ::walks off feeling evil::
ProphecyxG i R L: Spike. Please? PLEASE?
TheKey84: *purposely bumps into spike on the way to the porch, knocking him down a little*
Allthewayjanice: *walks, slowly to Buffy* uhm... ok
TheKey84: *runs into the house and into her room*
ProphecyxG i R L: Spike, come in.
camper263: do you want to go er.. home?
Allthewayjanice: Do, do you have Ice cream cause, uh *realises what she's said* ok, so I'm kinda nervous with the standing and you and me and *looks behind her* Spike
X Man Xander: buffy's sound good to you? ::nods like nothing happened::
TheKey84: *starts to push things in front of the door*
BigBadWillystyle: ::stands outside with arms folded:: why should i come in? so you people can try to continue with the talking? no thanks...feeling ravenous...
TheKey84: *leans out her window* GO TO HELL SPIKE!
TheKey84: *slips and falls out the window*
TheKey84: *lands on the ground and breaks her arm*
TheKey84: damnit!
ProphecyxG i R L: (oh yeah.. that would happen)
Allthewayjanice: *jumps* DAWN!
BigBadWillystyle: ::watches Dawn land in a shrubbery in front of him::
ProphecyxG i R L: Dawnie! ::runs:: the arm AGAIN?
TheKey84: *gets up, holding her arm* uh huh
Allthewayjanice: Guess there will be no 'romeo, romeo where for art thou romeo then'?
TheKey84: second time this month i've fallen out of that window
X Man Xander: Spike...
BigBadWillystyle: lets try for a hat trick
TheKey84: and the second time today i've fallen out of a window
X Man Xander: (erm sorry)
X Man Xander: (wrong person!)
BigBadWillystyle: dork...?
BigBadWillystyle: (lol)
TheKey84: buffy, can you just take me to the hospital and let him go back to the hole he crawled out of?
X Man Xander: (it's tough doing two chats at once when you're blonde!)
TheKey84: (hehe)
Allthewayjanice: (hehe this sounds crazy, I have Empire Records on in the background where Mark is trippin')
TheKey84: (lol)
ProphecyxG i R L: Yeah.. Dawn um.. lets walk...
ProphecyxG i R L: though i'm sure with your streak I could set the bone myself
TheKey84: *kicks spike's shin as she walks psat him*
Allthewayjanice: (ahaha, its just weird. we're all oh no i've fallen out of a window and its "wow, man mark man, you play a mean guitar man"
X Man Xander: Willow..
TheKey84: lets just get a cast on it, ok?
BigBadWillystyle: grow up would you dawn?
camper263: yeah?
Allthewayjanice: *walks down the stairs* uhm, want me to close the door?
TheKey84: stop preying on little girls, would you spike?
TheKey84: *looks at janice* sure
camper263: *doesn't make eyecontact*
ProphecyxG i R L: Sounds good Dawn.. ::looks to spike like 'Three months ago you'd be carrying her there like a knight'::
BigBadWillystyle: ::smirks and walks toward Janice:: want to go inside?
TheKey84: (cuz vamps are really demons)
ProphecyxG i R L: (ah ah ah, but Buffy did say Come In, Spike)
TheKey84: (grrrr, dumb blonde!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Allthewayjanice: *gets to the door* *grins* Well... *hears dawn* maybe, I shouldn't finish that sentence
X Man Xander: We don't.. I mean... they don't need to know... that something-- nothings going on..
X Man Xander: ::looks helpless:: right?
camper263: *raises eyebrows and nods vigorously*
Allthewayjanice: *waits for Dawn to go out of earshot*
BigBadWillystyle: ah she's just jealous, lets see whats in the kitchen? ::opens door::
Allthewayjanice: (such a good friend)
ProphecyxG i R L: ::walks with dawn:: just lets get you to a hospital, okay?
TheKey84: (*coughSLUTcough*)
TheKey84: ok
TheKey84: but if he's there when I get back, i'll kill him
BigBadWillystyle: (just look at her screename heh)
Allthewayjanice: *eyes Spike* Well, ok... as long as you don't want blood and whatever those things were. Cause I know where the blood will be coming from
ProphecyxG i R L: Fair deal.
TheKey84: *looks back and sees spike and janice go into the house*
TheKey84: I can't believe that skank
BigBadWillystyle: ::eyes Janice:: you offering me another meal then?
TheKey84: *looks back at Buffy* why am I friends with her again?
Allthewayjanice: (oh no, I'm in big trouble now)
TheKey84: *tears well up*
Allthewayjanice: (...again)
TheKey84: (uh huh, you're on the hit list now bitch! :-D)
ProphecyxG i R L: I've got absolutely no idea.. but... why are you crying over him..?
Allthewayjanice: Another meal? I thought I was offereing the complete opposite actually
ProphecyxG i R L: ::knowing shes done it herself::
TheKey84: you did too!
Allthewayjanice: because there will be no eating of my blood... are we clear?
ProphecyxG i R L: but dawn.. spike and i.. well, you and spike haven't done what spike and i did, right?
TheKey84: no
ProphecyxG i R L: ::gets that grossed out look::
TheKey84: not at all
TheKey84: he's never even come near me
BigBadWillystyle: you said not to mix it with the weetabix dear
ProphecyxG i R L: then why are you so upset?
ProphecyxG i R L: ::arrives at the hospital er::
TheKey84: are you that clueless buffy?
TheKey84: are you blind?
ProphecyxG i R L: what? that you're pissed because spike came onto your friend and not you?
Allthewayjanice: *looks at spike* Oh, so you were just lookin' for a drink then? You really need to be more specific when you say 'meal' dear
TheKey84: *looks at the ground*
Allthewayjanice: *sits at kitchen bench (is it a bench they have? breakfast bar, whatever :-))
Allthewayjanice: *
TheKey84: (they have chairs)
Allthewayjanice: (chairs will do)
ProphecyxG i R L: Dawnie.. ::runs her hand over dawns hair:: he doesn't want to do those things with you.. because he actually cares for you..
TheKey84: uh huh, sure
BigBadWillystyle: (no...there are no chairs in the kitchen)
Allthewayjanice: (really, I thought there were? So... I'm sitting on the floor, or on the bench)
TheKey84: (I thought there were, cuz sometimes the cobbies gathered around the island in the kitchen)
TheKey84: *scobbies
BigBadWillystyle: (sometimes there are stools, but mostly they are in the dining room it seems)
camper263: *Scoobies
Allthewayjanice: ( you mean he doesn't care for me? I think I'm gonna cry :P)
BigBadWillystyle: (wow...dork mode)
camper263: (yeah but a bench in australia is a little different than what americans call a bench)
ProphecyxG i R L: ::seriously:: dawn.. ::changes to sarcastic tone:: what the HELL would you want him for anyway
Allthewayjanice: (yeh, I thougt the same about the chairs, like in... uhm, Smashed I think when Dawn was makin' the pancakes)
camper263: (it's an "island" or just the countertop, right?)
Allthewayjanice: (yeh the countertop thingo,)
BigBadWillystyle: (yeah, you've got it now)
Allthewayjanice: So, whats here to eat, besides my blood of course?
Allthewayjanice: Although it could be a nice appetizer. But from prior experience you're mr greedy *laughs*
BigBadWillystyle: oh thats plenty for me
ProphecyxG i R L: ((are you gonna TURN janice?))
camper263: *reaches front door with Xander after walking quietly the rest of the way to buffy's house*
Allthewayjanice: (turn turn turn turn!)
ProphecyxG i R L: ((that would totally freak dawn))
TheKey84: (did you get raven to approve it??? don't piss him off!!)
BigBadWillystyle: (nah, could be fun later though - if you guys want ask raven about it)
TheKey84: (he could just say "nope, that never happend")
TheKey84: (it would really send dawn off th deep end)
Allthewayjanice: oh... and I haven't even healed yet *does a dramatic fainting gesture and falls on the bench*
Allthewayjanice: (ohh and it'd be so much fun... for me, maybe not for anyone else. other than with the killing)
BigBadWillystyle: i hate it when dinner gets shy
camper263: Walks in door, stands in foyer with Xander*
Allthewayjanice: *leans up on her elbows and grins*
BigBadWillystyle: ::hears the door open and sneaks around corner::
TheKey84: *sits in the ER* I just don't know Buffy . . .
ProphecyxG i R L: ::doctor takes dawn into get casted up and stuff::
X Man Xander: do you hear..
X Man Xander: what.. i hear?
Allthewayjanice: *looks at Spike* you bein' so bad, didn't think shy would be a...*hears the door*
camper263: no...
camper263: is someone here?
camper263: *yells* Buffy?
X Man Xander: Dawn?
BigBadWillystyle: ::hides in a closet but leaves it open to spy on Willow and Xander::
camper263: ~silence~
camper263: must be somewhere else...
TheKey84: (ooh! busted!!!!)
Allthewayjanice: *gets off the bench and slides onto the chair*
camper263: *looks at Xander*
camper263: never happened?
Allthewayjanice: (not bench... countertop... thing :D)
X Man Xander: never happened ::kisses her::
camper263: *kisses back*
TheKey84: *comes at in a cast* can we go home now? I need to rest
camper263: (you rock, man!)
Allthewayjanice: *creeps to the doorway and looks shocked*
BigBadWillystyle: ::nearly explodes in closet::
camper263: *lets kiss wear itself out*
X Man Xander: ::hears laughter and pulls away:: did you hear that?
Allthewayjanice: *looks in Spikes... closet direction and whispers* willow and xander sittin in a tree *tries to stifle a giggle*
camper263: *thinks for a moment*
ProphecyxG i R L: Yeah.. lets go home.
BigBadWillystyle: ::silently whispers:: knew it all along i did hah!
camper263: no.. house settling?
X Man Xander: ((brb, im seriously hearing noises in my house))
Allthewayjanice: *whispers* she wants to get you into bed baby
BigBadWillystyle: (lol get the ghosts)
camper263: (oo-thunderstorm here! :-))
TheKey84: (I have bats)
Allthewayjanice: (pretty much daytime here)
BigBadWillystyle: (big party next door here)
camper263: (How is Oz today?)
camper263: (I'm listening to Endorphin)
Allthewayjanice: *does a dance* go willow, go willow
camper263: (do you watch Neighbours?)
Allthewayjanice: (sometimes, not so much recently.)
X Man Xander: ((okay way creepy. i heard someone turn on water upstairs im in the basement))
X Man Xander: ((and i go up and my side door is WAY open.))
camper263: (I had this cheezy thing for toadfish)
TheKey84: (are you alone in the house?)
Allthewayjanice: *wishes they'd hurry up and do something* hungry, hungry kinda hungry
Allthewayjanice: (aww really, you liked toadie? He's such a cutie)
ProphecyxG i R L: (no, mr scary dude.)
TheKey84: (ok, nothing to worry about then ;-))
camper263: (you're buffy! You can take anyone!!)
Allthewayjanice: (lol)
Allthewayjanice: *looks at spike and rolls eyes*
camper263: (I still wonder what happened to Joey... he was a cutie..)
TheKey84: (kill that vamp b4 he kills your family!!!!!!!! become cordy! grab the ski pole!!!!!!)
Allthewayjanice: (joey? I can't help but think of Dawsons Creek)
camper263: (LAY OFF, JOHN.. she probably doesn't need it.. I get freaked out easily when I'm home alone)
X Man Xander: ya know, i really didn't hear anything either...
camper263: (he is really dawson-esque...)
TheKey84: (well, there's probably nothing to get freaked out)
camper263: (no, he lived with Toadie.... And Lance... ermm...)
Allthewayjanice: (hahha, I'll remember to have you guys online next time I'm at home alone)
Allthewayjanice: (ohh, hmmm... I forget)
TheKey84: (9 times out of 10, there's nothing to worry about)
Allthewayjanice: *shifts feet getting impatient*
camper263: Alright, *goes back to kissing Xander*
TheKey84: *walks home ahead of buffy*
ProphecyxG i R L: (lol its fine. it was just creepy. i live in suburbia, if they try to kill me ive got no chance anyway)
TheKey84: *sees xander and willow*
BigBadWillystyle: ::starts to get bored with the necking::
TheKey84: I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!
camper263: (dammit, you walk fast)
camper263: *jumps away from Xander*
X Man Xander: ::stops and turns slowly:: oh god..
TheKey84: *runs and hugs them with her one good arm*
X Man Xander: willow had up.. cheese.. stuck in her... throat..?
TheKey84: *sees janice in the kitchen and gives her a dirty look*
TheKey84: *lets go of willow and xander and storms into the kitchen*
TheKey84: where is he?
camper263: He was looking for something in my eye...
camper263: ?
TheKey84: where's that bastard?
ProphecyxG i R L: ::walks in:: Xander and Willow? well.. whoda thunk it. ::laughs::
TheKey84: *opens the closet and pulls out her stake*
camper263: *grins, laughs uncomfortably*
Allthewayjanice: *looks back to closet* Spike, spike, get outta there!
TheKey84: I hope you have a lovely urn picked out!
BigBadWillystyle: ::closet is empty::
TheKey84: (no it's not!!!! :-P)
X Man Xander: seriously.. theres nothing going on ::nods::
TheKey84: SPIKE!!!!!
TheKey84: come out!!!!!!
TheKey84: *locks the back door*
TheKey84: there's nowhere to hide you bastard!
BigBadWillystyle: ::taps Dawn on shoulder from behine and snatches stake:: looking for moi?
TheKey84: *knees him in the groin*
camper263: *exchanges look with Xander, bolts upstairs and dives into bed*
ProphecyxG i R L: ((oh christmas my brothers watching the buffy/angel sex episode again))
Allthewayjanice: *goes and sits at... countertop chairs* weelll, there goes the funness
TheKey84: *slams her fist into his nose*
BigBadWillystyle: ::holds dawn back with one hand::
TheKey84: *backs off* get out NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBadWillystyle: what the hell is your problem?
TheKey84: GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ProphecyxG i R L: Dawn
Allthewayjanice: and here he was bein' all nice
ProphecyxG i R L: He's here to APOLOGIZE.
TheKey84: I don't care!!!1
Allthewayjanice: hiding in a closet but being nice all the same
TheKey84: *runs back into her room*
BigBadWillystyle: ::walks up the stairs and goes in Dawn's room before she has the chance::
TheKey84: just go!
BigBadWillystyle: love what you've done with the place
ProphecyxG i R L: I'm letting them fight this one out now. I'm not dealing with it.
ProphecyxG i R L: i know he wont hurt her.
TheKey84: GO!!!!!!!!
Allthewayjanice: thats ok I guess
TheKey84: (what about her hurting him?????????)
X Man Xander: ::walks up to willows room and knocks on the door:: willow..?
Allthewayjanice: At least she'll waste all her energy on him and not me
TheKey84: *takes out holy water and throws it in his face, he starts to smoke*
TheKey84: out of my way!
BigBadWillystyle: ::holds a stake out for Dawn:: go ahead, do something your sister never could ::lets water burn::
Allthewayjanice: *runs to the stairs*
BigBadWillystyle: ::sits down on bed::
Allthewayjanice: Dawn don't! I mean, you've ruined his face isnt that enough?
TheKey84: *takes the stake, positions it at his heart and prepairs to stab him*
ProphecyxG i R L: ::sits on couch and lays down, ignoring the noise::
camper263 has left the room.
TheKey84: (someone do something, cuz i'm gonna do it!!!!!!!!!!! raven would NOT be pleased!)
TheKey84: *pulls her arm back, ready to strike*
Allthewayjanice: *runs up stairs stumbling on a couple and falls into Dawns room*
TheKey84: leave janice
Allthewayjanice: *grabs Dawn's foot* Dont... please
TheKey84: *kicks janice in the head* get out SLUT!
BigBadWillystyle: how lovely, the one decent person around deciding to put me out of my misery
TheKey84: *starts to plung the stake*
TheKey84: *stops at his heart*
TheKey84: is that what you want? to die?
X Man Xander: ::willow doesnt answer and sees whats going on in dawns room::
Allthewayjanice: *slowly stands up and pushes Dawn* Dont Dawn, you know you'll regret it
TheKey84: you want me to kill you?
camper263 has entered the room.
TheKey84: *throws Janice off her*
TheKey84: back off skank!
TheKey84: this is my fight!
BigBadWillystyle: seems to be what you would like. so come on with it
TheKey84: *punches spike's nose again* get out
camper263 has left the room.
Allthewayjanice: Well then... *sighs* fight me
Allthewayjanice: I started this. its my fault
TheKey84: I think i'll let you suffer spike
Watcher inspirit has entered the room.
ProphecyxG i R L: ::falls asleep on the couch, eyes leaking silent tears::
BigBadWillystyle: how bloody kind of you
TheKey84: leave spike, and don't come back
TheKey84: you'll pay
Allthewayjanice: *slumps and leans against Dawns bed*
TheKey84: but death is too good for you
TheKey84: get out janice
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles looks very startled::
TheKey84: OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
TheKey84: *grabs spike and tries to get him out of her room*
BigBadWillystyle: ::stands and bites Janice's neck again, drains her half way and drops her on the bed:: nighty night children ::walks out of room::
Allthewayjanice: *slowly stands and walks to the door*
TheKey84: JANICE!
Watcher inspirit: The door was unlocked and I heard...
TheKey84: *kneels down next to her*
TheKey84: HELP!
Allthewayjanice: *falls over* again, with the sneaky
TheKey84: SOMEONE HELP US!!!!!!!!
BigBadWillystyle: ::walks down steps:: Giles, lovely to see you
Watcher inspirit: What is going on!
BigBadWillystyle: ::brushes blood from chin::
TheKey84: HELP US!!!!!!
Allthewayjanice: *looks at Dawn and whispers* I'm sorry, this is all my fault you know that. really... sorry
Watcher inspirit: bumps past Spike to get up the stairs;;
TheKey84: *cries heavily*
BigBadWillystyle: ::grabs Giles by neck:: not even a hello?
Watcher inspirit: ::pulls cross::
Watcher inspirit: ::holds out toward Spike::
BigBadWillystyle: ::slaps cross away:: such ill manners
TheKey84: BUFFY!!!!!!! HELP US!!!!!!!!
Allthewayjanice: *crawls into hallway* Spike,
Allthewayjanice: all I am to you is a munching buddy?
TheKey84: (um, where's buffy and xander? shouldn't they be doing something?)
Watcher inspirit: ::Struggles to reach stake::
BigBadWillystyle: finally, someone with conviction
TheKey84: *runs down stairs and stakes spike*
Allthewayjanice: (xander is...? and Buffy's sleepin')
TheKey84: DIE YOU BASTARD!!!!!
TheKey84: *misses the heart*
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles falls part way down the stairs, gasping::
Allthewayjanice: *starts crying... mainly feelin' sorry for herself*
BigBadWillystyle: come on now Dawn, take another stab
TheKey84: *bitchslaps spike and then kicks him down the stairs a la Buffy in "ted")
Allthewayjanice: Dawn don't! Remember what you...
Allthewayjanice: well that works
TheKey84: get out spike
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles rolls out of the way coughing::
Allthewayjanice: (argh, gotta go in 20mins)
X Man Xander: ::finally snaps out of it and runs to janice and picks her up::
TheKey84: and if you EVER come near me or mine again, i'll do worse than kill you
BigBadWillystyle: ::lands against door:: that hurts
BigBadWillystyle: oh wait, no soul. don't care!
X Man Xander: ::walks down the stairs with her and kicks spike out of the way::
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles gets up, grabs for cross::
X Man Xander: ::goes out the door with janice:: to the hospital again?
BigBadWillystyle: ::gets up and punches xander::
TheKey84: *runs down the stairs and helps up Giles*
TheKey84: you ok?
X Man Xander: Ow. ::drops janice::
Allthewayjanice: uhm I gue... *falls*
Watcher inspirit: ::Gets between Xander and Spike with cross, held more carefully.
Allthewayjanice: not
BigBadWillystyle: ::knocks xander down and starts choking him :: how long i've waited for this...
TheKey84: *grabs spike by the hair and pulls him off xander* back off!
Allthewayjanice: *tries to stop Spike* (miss optimistic much?)
TheKey84: XANDER! get janice to the hopsital now!
X Man Xander: ::gasps for air:: and what the hell did i do to deserve that?
TheKey84: Giles take them?
TheKey84: (ooh, so much like the big sis)
X Man Xander: ::stands and picks up janice again:: we'll walk you guys guard william
Allthewayjanice: *looks at SPike* yeh, thought you'd want your munching buddy all good and healthy
BigBadWillystyle: ::growls at Janice and turns back to Xander:: so smug thinking i could never touch you again...wrong
Watcher inspirit: Xander, get her out of here!
TheKey84: *grabs spike in a headlock*
TheKey84: *snaps his neck*
TheKey84: won't kill him, but hey, it'll hurt, right?
X Man Xander: ::runs down the block with janice, still hyperventalating::
BigBadWillystyle: (would think you'd use that cast)
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles looks startled at Dawns strength::
TheKey84: (oh, yea, broken arm, forgot)
Allthewayjanice: (haha... good point :-))
BigBadWillystyle: ::pushes Dawn into Giles knocking them both down::
TheKey84: *hits her head on the hard wood floor*
ProphecyxG i R L: ::lies peacefully sleeping on the couch::
TheKey84: *blood begins to leak from her head*
ProphecyxG i R L: (uh hello spike, DINNER?)
Watcher inspirit: ::holds out cross toward Spike::
Allthewayjanice: *to xander* can can we slow down now?
TheKey84: (buffy, you're sister has a head wound! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!)
X Man Xander: ::gasp:: yeah i think so.. ::turns to see giles and dawn not there:: no we're gonna run ::runs::
TheKey84: (ok guys, I have to be up in 7 hours for school . . . . )
Allthewayjanice: woaah, ok
ProphecyxG i R L: (you're unconscious.)
BigBadWillystyle: (was thinking that too)
ProphecyxG i R L: (dont worry. he'll go)
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles looks to Dawn to see how bad it is...::
Watcher inspirit: Spike, GET OUT, you are not wanted here.
TheKey84: (ok, night night then, fill me in tomorrow on what happens and i'll post tomorrow :-))
Watcher inspirit: (BYE)
BigBadWillystyle: (sure, adios)
Allthewayjanice: (byee!)
TheKey84 has left the room.
BigBadWillystyle: that sounded pretty dawn stern Giles ol boy
ProphecyxG i R L: ::starts to stir:: ::yawns:: whats going on here...
BigBadWillystyle: (not dawn, darn)
Allthewayjanice: (can we get to the hospital yet? :-))
ProphecyxG i R L: ::sees giles, waves:: oh hey giles ::strokes pillow:: nice.. soft pillow...
Watcher inspirit: You have used up what little sympathy I had for you for losing your soul.
X Man Xander: ::arrives at the hospital and they take janice into the ER immediately::
Allthewayjanice: *runs hand over neck and sees all the blood* ohh, eww
Watcher inspirit: Buffy, help us. Dawn is hurt!
BigBadWillystyle: well what did you expect from me? ::moves toward Giles with the fangs and all::
Watcher inspirit: Branishes Cross at him::
Watcher inspirit: Uh, Buffy...?
BigBadWillystyle: ::flips Giles off and continues his approach::
Watcher inspirit: ::Gets up and grabs a chair::
Allthewayjanice: *sits at hospital and starts crying* what, have I done? I caused... all of this
Watcher inspirit: ::Comes up behind Spike and swings chair at his back::
Allthewayjanice: (heey, go Giles)
ProphecyxG i R L: ::sits straight up:; No, ya didn't. ::kicks spike in the back of the head, knocking him down::
BigBadWillystyle: ::ducks and grabs the chair::
ProphecyxG i R L: ::picks him up and throws him off the porn into a bush ::is VERY angry::::
BigBadWillystyle: ::gets kicked and falls on top of the chair::
BigBadWillystyle: (
Watcher inspirit: Buffy, while I have him ocupied...!
Watcher inspirit: (ack)
Allthewayjanice: (off the porn? what kinda of house are you running buffy? :P)
ProphecyxG i R L: (porch.. hah)
BigBadWillystyle: (rIIIIght)
ProphecyxG i R L: ::picks dawn up and brings her inside:: giles let me handle this..
ProphecyxG i R L: (one track mind right here.. LoL)
BigBadWillystyle: ::pulls a stake out of coat and tosses it to Giles:: come on old boy, do the job
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles knells over Dawn quickly, making sure she is alright.
Allthewayjanice: *looks at xander through tears* do you think i'm the big slut that everyone else does?
Watcher inspirit: ::Catches stake, looks confused.::
X Man Xander: ::nods no::
X Man Xander: yes, absolutely.
Allthewayjanice: *laughs* right. I didn't even do anythin with Spike. well a little last night but NOTHING tonight. We were just talkin' then you guys came in and then Dawn went crazy like
Watcher inspirit: ::Looks at stake, looks at Spike and walks carefully out onto the porch::
BigBadWillystyle: ::gets up and sighs:: not a one of the lot of you can finish a job
Allthewayjanice: (why can't I be there? I wanna say the same thing to SPike :D)
Watcher inspirit: What are you trying to pull, Spike?
ProphecyxG i R L: ::picks dawn up and heads for the hospital:: thank god for slayer strength
Allthewayjanice: (ooh partay at the hospital)
BigBadWillystyle: still not the swiftest apple in the bunch are you
X Man Xander: ::xander and janice catch a cab back to the summers:: (there)
Watcher inspirit: Are we supposed to pity you?
BigBadWillystyle: (geez, stop and say hi to angel and cordy at least)
Allthewayjanice: (hahaha... love the efficency of hospitals these days)
BigBadWillystyle: no, a nice stake would be nice though
Allthewayjanice: *standing in the front garden* I think i liked the hospital better
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles grabs Spike by the coat, holding stake over his chest::
ProphecyxG i R L: ::lifts her again:: lets go see if buffy's still occupying the couch::
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles obviously torn::
ProphecyxG i R L: (sorry again)
BigBadWillystyle: sound like buffy these days
ProphecyxG i R L: (lol)
Allthewayjanice: uh... nice plan but... you know, spijke, giles duel happening
ProphecyxG i R L: (im a little out of it. being 1:30 and all.)
BigBadWillystyle: come on old chap, you've wanted to do it for a long time
BigBadWillystyle: (it happens, i know)
Allthewayjanice: *looks at Spike* now that you have no soul... now that you have freedom... why do you wanna die so bad?
BigBadWillystyle: why do you keep ending up as dinner?
Watcher inspirit: ::Giles pushes Spike back, throwing down the stake::
Watcher inspirit: ::Looks as discusted with himself as he does with Spike::
Allthewayjanice: *sarcastically* because I'm just so tasty perhaps
BigBadWillystyle: awww, well if thats how it is, looks like i'll go cause some mayhem elsewhere
Allthewayjanice: *mock sincerity* aww, we'll miss you
Watcher inspirit: Feel free to lose track of time.
Allthewayjanice: *falls against Xander* I I think I need to lie down
BigBadWillystyle: ::stops by Janice and whispers in her ear:: don't worry, i'll be back for more
Watcher inspirit: Walk until sunrise, if that is what you want.
X Man Xander: ::catches her::
Watcher inspirit: Leave her alone!
Allthewayjanice: *looks at Spike* lucky for me, you can't do a decent job
ProphecyxG i R L: ::dawn needs to stay overnight at hospital, buffy rushes back to the house::
Watcher inspirit: Just go!
Allthewayjanice: (argh gotta go)
ProphecyxG i R L: ::stops in the street:: Spike. You and me. Right here, right now.
X Man Xander: ::carrys janice away quickly around the back and opens it with a key::
Watcher inspirit: Xander, take her inside, quickly.
Allthewayjanice: * passes out on couch
Allthewayjanice: (check ya)
Allthewayjanice has left the room.
ProphecyxG i R L: (i really could use some sleep too ya know.. heh)
BigBadWillystyle: ok ::knocks Buffy down with a quick punch::
BigBadWillystyle: (see i'm trying to exit here lol)
Watcher inspirit: (I think he'll leave...)
ProphecyxG i R L: Alright fine. You win.
ProphecyxG i R L: ::walks to the porch, takes giles hand, and walks inside and locks the door::
BigBadWillystyle: ::smirks down at Buffy and walks off::