::dedication of the fucking day::
...i love how some people think i have no clue, but really i know about everything! haha, i could laugh about this one for days...
yes, yes, yes i am aware of the fact that i rarely ever write in this bitch anymore. in other news...
my mother thinks that i'm psychotic and is now paying some therapist to tell me everything wrong with me that i'm completely aware of. nice one, eh?
owww...i got my hair cut. mmm...so nice to have short hair once again!
the girls and i are getting away this weekend. that's right mother fuckers, it's the beach...once again. we should be back...just in time for summer school. whoop-dee-fucking-doo!
yeah, and about that. caroline and i are going to summer school. what the fucking shit is up with that? paul ziggler graduated high school, and i...rachel fucking ha...am going to summer school. whatever, he's in ld classes anyways. (sorry paul, i love you!)
i have work today until about four. actually, it's going to be like that until wednesday. isn't that the most exciting thing ever? meh...well...it's money!
i have an interview at the bank this thursday. i have to drive my ass all the way out to chantily to watch some overly dragged out video...wow...so exciting...damn, has anyone noticed how horribly sarcastic this entry has been?
fuck it!