This month's just as crazy as the last one.
I REALLY should sell my life and those who are around me to Hollywood. :D
Could make the big money with that.
Reita seems to have solved the problems concerning her "friends" a little.
I'm glad about that.
My stomach and heart got better by now.
No hurting at the moment~
Too much Nazis in the city.
Met the twice in a week! ...And I wasn't nice to them everytime. *laughs*
But on thursday I meet Uruha-kun with Kaichen on Brückstraße.
We crossed our paths six or seven times I think - til we got to laugh so hard xD
But Uruha said she wouldn't come for Connichi Saturday, so for "Reila" we whether have an Aoi nor an Uruha.
So it can be that I'll dress up as Ruki and cosplay with my OWN Gazette cosplay group.
We will see...
Btw Ruka will come here friday evening and we will go to Connichi on saturday together.
Sasa (our Aoi) comes straight to Kassel and we will take her home with us in the evening.
...Strange things even going on in the cyber life.
Some stupid kid stole my fanfiction and uplaoded it to animexx. -.- Where my original was, too.
Fortunatly her account is deleted by now.
This weekend was really boring.. But quite relaxing too.
Mado forgot about our meeting so I stayed at home.
Couldn't go to Visual Culture because of my mom and the lack of money. D;
(So I did some headbanging here at home *smile*)
Our Gazette Cosplay Group has finally an own homepage!!!
So plz check out
http://beautifulmadkillers.plusboard.de and join!!!
...Can't wait 'til Connichi!! Wohoo. Kai <3
(Eventhough I have no ticket XD; )