Nov 27, 2004 07:40
of course i'm grateful for the same things that everyone else spurts off at the dinner table on this joyous day, the same things that we all take for granted on the other 364 days of the year, but this thanksgiving, i have come to realize something new-- the holiday poop. sure, a dump is a dump no matter how you look at it, but there's something about the thanksgiving crap that makes life seem better than usual. the sheer satisfaction of knowing that after gorging yourself for hours and putting up with annoying relatives, the holiday poop gives you a chance to sit, alone, on the toilet and reflect on life while, hopefully, leaving you with a very accomplished feeling. it should, after all, be the biggest shit of the year. something to celebrate, if you ask me. so, thank you friends, family, health, life, and love, for being there for me through the tough times, but more importantly, thank you holiday poop number 16 for giving me time to truly realize my fortunes.