(no subject)

Oct 29, 2007 13:13

Gabriel has taken a tin of quality street to bed with him for his afternoon nap. he keeps getting attached to really odd things and insisting on taking them to bed. In the past couple of weeks these are just a few I can name;

The aforementioned 1kg tin of quality street (he is guarding it very fiercely and keeps asking me if we can open it. When I told him that it was for Christmas he asked me if he could put his coat on and to go the car park to see Christmas. He loves car parks, which is slightly odd)
A roll of wallpaper,
a roll of simpsons wrapping paper,
a full unopened bottle of pop,
a bottle of matey (but I had to say no because if he had unscrewed it I can just imagine the mess),
a little pot of vaseline lip stuff (it was all melted when he woke up because he had been clutching it),
a milky way with the wrapper still on (again, all melted),
and a haynes manual for a volkswagon polo.

I am sure there are more, but these are just the ones that spring to mind. Blair goes mad at me for letting him take them to bed with him, but as far as I can see, if he can't choke on it, or do himself any damage, then there's no harm done and he usually moves on to something else after a couple of days.

he has been really funny just lately, in a brutally honest sort of way. I was bending down to put some washing on yesterday and he said 'look at that fat bum-bum' and smacked me on the arse with a plastic golf club. Oh and when we were out in the car yesterday, Blair was driving and didn't put the car in gear properly so it made a grinding noise and he piped up 'oh-oh, daddy's breaking it! Naughty daddy, don't break mummy's car'. Priceless stuff.
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