Title: Let's meet half way
bloody_leeFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam/Dean (Drabble, Slash)
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam is confident that Dean will overcome his denial.
Warnings: Incest
Disclaimer: Not mine. At all. Kripke is little baby Jesus.
Author's note: This was written for the
spn_drabble prompt: Memory or Memories. The summary was inspired by
kelios who also beta'd. We're a great team; she's my better half. ♥ Enjoy!
X-Posted to
spn_drabble and
wincest ~*~*~*~*~*~
Sam turns around one last time.
The messy bed, the empty beer bottles on the floor, the lube and tissues in the bin - all reminders of last night's sleep.
Even now, he can still feel Dean's hands sliding over his body, Dean's hot breath on his skin, Dean's husky-low whisper in his ear.
The mornings after aren't exactly awkward but still, they hurt Sam; Dean acting like nothing happened, completely ignoring the issue.
He just has to wait a little longer. Dean will have to talk about it eventually, and Sam will be ready.
Until then it's just another memory.
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