SPN ficlet - wee!chesters - G

May 26, 2009 13:20

Title: Ink
Author: bloody_lee
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam(5), Dean(9) and John (Ficlet, Gen, wee!chesters)
Rating: G
Word Count: 586
Summary: Sam never thought that writing could be this hard.
Disclaimer: Not mine - either the show nor characters. *sobs*

Author’s Note: This was written for polaris_86 who requested spoiler-free, gen-fic with Dean, Sam, John and ink in it. Even though you asked for a Dean-focused story I got a bit carried away. Sorry. ^^" But still, Dean's the hero. Hope you'll like it.
The beta was done by the lovely kelios. Thx hon!

X-posted to sam_dean


'Try again, Sam.' John is rubbing his forehead but if he is annoyed he doesn't show it.

Sam frowns and lifts the pen again. Nobody told him that writing was supposed to be this difficult. The pen scratches over the paper and Sam is fully focused. His tongue sticks out at the corner of his mouth. It's his seventh try but somehow it just won't work. His fingers are covered with royal-blue stains and the sheet doesn't look any better. When the pen slips off again John sighs and puts his coffee pot down.

'I think it's time for a break. Dean, can you help your brother clean his hands? I'll get us something for lunch.'

Dean switches off the TV and heads over to Sam while John grabs his jacket and leaves the motel room.

'How'd you get all that ink on your fingers?' Dean asks incredulously and lifts Sam on the stool in front of the sink. Then he soaps Sam's hands and washes them thoroughly as if they are his own.

'Dean, do I really have to learn how to write?'

'Yes, Sam. Everyone knows how to write. All the children in school do. And Dad does, too.'

'But Dad's a grown-up and grown-ups can do everything, can't they?'

Sam's hands are clean now and Dean lifts him of the stool and dries them.

'No, Sammy. Even grown-ups had to learn how to write at some point.'

Now Sam is the one to look incredulous.

'But I don't like writing. It's so hard... and the pen doesn't do what I want.'

'All right, all right, I'll help you.' Sam's smile is blinding and Dean can't help but grin back.
Dean gets a clean sheet of paper and wipes off the pen before handing it to Sam. First he shows him how to hold it correctly.

'Ok, now we'll start with writing your name. Sam. Dad told you the letters. Do you remember them?'

'S... A and M.'

'Right.' Dean nods approvingly and Sam looks just a little bit proud.

Now Dean enfolds Sam's hand holding the pen and starts gently leading it over the paper.

'S looks like a slalom. Get it?' Sam nods. Dean moves on to the next letter.

'Hm... A is for mum... because she's with the angels.' Sam's eyes sparkle curiously when he looks up but he doesn't interrupt Dean.

'M... is the monsters Dad hunts to keep us safe,' Dean finishes and lets go of Sam's hand.

'Did you understand everything?'

Sam frowns and then nods again.

'Good. Try it yourself then.' Dean turns the paper over.

Sam leans forward and slowly starts writing while mumbling the things Dean told him.

'Sss...slalom... angel-mommy and... and... monsters.'

It's a bit askew and not at all perfect but the pen doesn't slip off a single time and the result definitely looks like SAM.

'Is it right?' Sam's eyes are full of concern now.

Dean nods and Sam gives him that blinding smile again.

When John returns from the food store Sam races towards him.

'Daddy, Daddy, I can write my name,' he exclaims cheerfully and waves the sheet of paper.

John looks over to Dean who is sitting in front of the TV again and pretending to miss the scene. Then he slightly smiles at Sam and pats his head.

'Very good, Sammy. So... what are we gonna do next?'

'I... I... next,' Sam splutters, still too excited to calm down, 'I want to know how to write DEAN.'


gen, fan fiction, supernatural, english_only, g, ficlet

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