I hate people who act like they love animals but treat them poorly, and are often switching animals (getting rid of one pet for another only to get rid of that one as well, etc.).
I hate people who try to talk to me about horses when they don't know SHIT, or they try to best me in horse-knowledge - Bitch, it is NOT gonna happen!
People whom continuously assume their opinion matters to me.
People who think they have the right to judge me or anyone else when it's obvious they lack the ability to judge themselves.
People who hate horror movies.
I can't stand a lack of punctuation, or REALLY poor spelling. As well as things like "Bcuz" for BECAUSE, "Kool" for COOL, "cuz" for 'CAUSE or COUSIN, "BI" for BYE, "Plz" for PLEASE, "Gurlz" for GIRLS, "Boi" for BOY. Oh my god, that shit drives me insane. I have seen this on ENGLISH PAPERS! WT?!
People who refuse to educate themselves and would prefer remaining ignorant because they either think they know it all, or don't think they need to know anything.
People who contradict me on a whim.
People who copy my comebacks, sayings, thoughts, ideas or my fucking style. EVERY TIME I dye my hair someone else has to do the SAME thing. Go be yourselves, or be SOMEONE ELSE OTHER THAN ME.
People who think animals are just stupid creatures who lack feelings, thoughts or intelligence.
People who think they NEED to eat. Yes, I understand it's part of survival, but people - you don't need to eat as much as some of you THINK you do. You're making a food DEPENDENCY.
People who sleep with random people, or people they hardly know. Respect yourselves, honestly...
People who think sleeping with as many people as you can is cool. Who the HELL ever told you that? Do you HONESTLY believe movies?...
People who believe everything they see on TV, the internet, or the news.
People who believe everything they hear.
People who refuse to accept Global Warming is a reality.
The scientists who are trying to get us stoked about Ethanol - "Bio-Fuel" - using Global Warming as their excuse and fear tactic when they won't tell you the whole deal. Growing the amount of corn needed requires more room then we have - where are we getting this room? By cutting down forests and wetlands. Hmmm, we're cutting down TREES. The ONLY THING THAT ABSORBS ALL THE CARBON! Not to mention that all the corn being made into ethanol and for all the experiments is making the food prices go up, even for third-world countries.
People thinking that just because I want to help the environment and I don't eat meat or much dairy, or a lot of processed foods makes me a Hippie. Kiddo, I'm not a hippie, but YOU are ignorant.
People who "need" meat. Please, don't even get me started.
Compulsive liars. Beth Grant - for one example.
People who think the FFA stands for "Future Fags of America". Go screw yourselves, I get more money and more publicity from the FFA than half you high school drop-outs and ignorant children get in a year.
People who think all farmers are uneducated, raise pigs and rape sheep. SHOVE IT. Like I said before - EDUCATE YOURSELVES, I'm a farmer and I'M educated.
http://www.polksheriff.net/inmates/ICUD0105.HTM People who go on MySpace and post a MILLION bulletins a day about how their lives suck, or just random shit about their shitty lives, or Emo-bullshit that no one cares about. Seriously? Go outside.
People who think everything in their life is a problem. Babes, it's not a problem, you're just making it into one.
People who don't know personal space or boundaries. Back OFF.
People who just won't admit they're gay.
People who think they have a right to vote against gay marriage because they have some complex that allows them to think that they have the right to decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to marry in a FREE country. We're PEOPLE, too. We LOVE. We FEEL. We HURT. And we DESERVE TO GET MARRIED. People use GOD as their excuse - This is not a country of one religion - get off yourselves. Man wrote the bible anyways, man can change it - he has before. No one has the right to tell someone they can't be legally bound to the person they truly love. Less deserving straight people have married for things like money, greed, sex, and spite - why shouldn't two people get married because they really LOVE one another.
People who post pictures of themselves with a guitar because they want to seem cool and act like they can play even though they CAN'T!
People who call themselves artists, but haven't starved for it. Ladies and Gentlemen, I AM an Artist.
People who think Torrid is the "Fat girl" store. Please, get over yourselves. There aren't big girls walking past your store going "Oh, that's the Emo-loser store" or "That's the self-obsessed, judgmental bastard store", or even more commonly seen: The "People who think they're bad ass because they wear polos and slacks, have over-sized bags and carry chihuahuas around all day" Store. Yeah, that's right, you heard me...
Ugly people who think make-up is a miracle.
People who think harming animals is fun or funny. How about I kick all the teeth out of your face and we'll see how funny you think that is?
People who think Horse Riding is easy, not hard to learn or do, and is not any for or exercise, skill or strain on the rider. Obviously you're not a true horse rider.
People who don't understand AT ALL or merely pretend to understand (which is nearly the same thing) the truth and complexities of Lycanthropy, Vampirism, and Therianthropy.
People who hate reading and writing. How the fuck do you hate reading and writing? Seriously? What else do half of you pathetic wastes of air have to do?
People who assume someone who plays video games is a loser, has too much time, or is an idiot. Bitch, you're just mad because I'd kick your ass at Halo and own you at Super Mario.
People who are so desperate for attention they lie constantly for it.
People who let things like homosexuality, cutting, depression, Anorexia/bulimia, Psychological Disorders, etc. define them. If you need something like that as your opening statement about yourself, and to define you then I pity you. You need to get out, live your life, and learn about yourselves.
People who touch my stuff without asking to, or people who just RUN up and touch my horses or dog without asking or seeing if it's alright. Hon', I OWN them, they're MINE - get your paws off until I say you can touch them/it.
People who think they "need" a significant other. You don't NEED a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you just WANT one and yearn for one so bad because you don't know how to live your life without someone constantly being there telling you what to do, how to live your life or constantly trying to make you feel good. It's not cute to want to have a boyfriend every second of every day and to be constantly trying for one - 1. It's pathetic. 2. It's rather slutty. 3. It just shows how immature and incompetent you really are. I'm not against love, I'm not against relationships. I am, however, against people who don't respect themselves or know themselves or believe and understand themselves well enough to know that they don't NEED someone else to be happy, complete, or better.
Quote: "So, tell me. Did you have the nerve to cut the skin from his arm, or did Lucian have to do it for you?" - Selene, Underworld.