ogiebogie niggers ogiebogie

Mar 13, 2004 21:21

helllllllooo! havnet updated for a while so yeaterday wich was friday went to the movies with paloma watched the butter fly effect for the 3rd time. it was still good then went to taco bell to get food. then later on i saw vince i was like hey vince and then he humped me like he always does then he tells me his girlfriend is pregnate and i was like kool anywhott then today i woke up my bro said lets go eat then we went to dennys then we went to go watch the passion of the christ i saw the part where jesus fall of the trail then sees judas then judas sees like this scary demon i like allmost pissed my self and thats about it ill update later peace late harry o

p.s im straight edge now its hard but im getting past the urges
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