another day wasted

Mar 20, 2004 00:32

well today didnt do much went to the movies it was boreing and i was a loner i hung out with mellisaa luaghin and sarah and. then i hungout with some 8 graders untill like 10:30 i saw chris and philup and phil said hi but chris like said fuck you get away but thats a diffrent storie he hates me but why im harold how can anyone hate me im not intimedating im just stupid and funny but bot to the point of hatingness but anywho yeah today was boreing well palomas hott and i love her thats all peace....................................................harry (s_ecret) 0

oh yeah i hate it when people say shit about bands that they dont like then make you fell unkool shit if we all liked the ssame band we wouldnt be diffrent we would be communists and we dont wanna be communist do we .......................................................or do we????
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