I envision whirled peas

Jul 28, 2005 01:17

i had the best sunday and monday nights the i have ever had in the history of sunday and monday nights... adn all because of one person, that answered to my "bubbles make me smile for miles..." post... the part about the hardcore sex... plus the fact that he's hot, like HOT kind of hot... not just normal hot... but like superhero/rockstar HOT... and i had SOOOO much fun... and he's really an amazing guy... that i just CLICK with, adn he's absolutely one of the best... nevermind... i won't name any names in case he might be embarrassed... and because it's no one's business... i just wanted to let other prospects be told i am no longer accepting applications for the "please remind me why i like sex" edition of michele's life...
also... i got left at quiznos for like 5.5 hours... AFTER I GOT OUT OF WORK!!!!! my ride never showed up so i had marisa's mom come and get me... it's a good thing she loves me...
and josh was being a total dick... he started yelling at me because he didn't properly train me for the station he tried to shove me into at rush today... i am NOT a wrapper, i am a finisher and/or a cashier...
i can't get over the whole "i-liked-this-guy-for-six-years-and-now-it's-finally-happening" thing.... he's seriously amazing... *swoon* lol
by the way everyone.... no more chris... in case you haven't already guessed...(i will explain when you return krydda)
*sigh* i hafta go sleep because i hafta work in a few hours.. so i guess i'll update later, adn see how you all feel about my swooning and sighing... and see if the people closest to me know who i'm talking about without a name... cuz that would be some magic trick...
~*that chick whose life is FINALLY taking a turn for the better*~
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