[OOC: Yes, I know I'm supposed to be hiatusing. But even I need a break from the sinus medicine. Bear with.]
[A loud crash echoes through House 13. The device's video feed is activated as the coffin reverently stationed in the parlor topples to the floor. From within comes a screeched wail, beginning in a low baritone but ending somewhere in
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At first, the Count - still reeling from his brush with God's power and expecting to be singed into nothing but ash - flinches away from that bright holiness, but when it does naught but bathe him in God's loving glow, he straightens, firm resolve strengthening his noble countenance and setting his mobile mouth into a stern determined line, the very essence of angelic grace taking spark in his emerald-green eyes.
Thus emboldened, able to stand in the face of such devilish horror now that he has been blessed once more by the God whom he strove to serve all those centuries ago, he roars in a loud voice, throwing challenge into the very teeth of Hell itself. And he does not fear. For the Lord is with him.]
Fugi, miros urit Javra! fuga inapoi la groapa de tau Stapane, monstruozitatea ce i-a furat de la om la Gloria de Dumnezeu! randul tau nenorocita coada si din pripa in gazda, imi place prin fiara!
[Flee, foul cur! Flee back to the pit of thy master, the abomination what stole from man the glory of God! Turn thy wretched tail and scurry from the Host, ye hellish beast!]
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