[The vampire is standing on top of the west studio apartment building, staring out over the town. Red eyes gleam in the moonlight as Alucard quietly contemplates his surroundings. His temper is cresting; his presence here is irksome, at best.
He's left behind his Master to fight a war alone, only to find her here, ten years younger. Answers. He desires them. NOW.
So, in effort, he pulls out the little device and activates the video function, speaking in modulated tones in several different languages.
English, first and foremost.]
What place is this? To what end are we here?
Che cosa è questo? A che fine siamo qui?
Was Platz ist das? Zu dem, was Ende sind wir hier?
Quelle place est-ce? À quelle fin sommes-nous ici?
Какое место это такое? Для того, какие цели мы здесь?
[And of course, his beloved Romanian:]
Ce loc este aceasta? In ce scop sunt noi aici?
[Alucard stands silent, a tall swaith of darkness against the moon's light, seeking for answers while his Master slumbers through the night.]
[ooc: To make life easier,
this translator for all of that. Japanese doesn't translate well via interwebs, so I didn't include it, apologies all around because I just know there are characters here that speak it.]