Dec 16, 2003 20:59
well i havent updated lately pretty much cause im just too lazy..
the christmas party was decent. melisa and the rest of the girls looked awesome, no surprise and megan flipped out, also shocking.
sweet family christmas party saturday where i got a 50$ video game from my aunt who randomly handed me 10$ for 'gas' when i was about to leave. wierd how that went to beer but who cares.
nothin but drama later that night. GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY. but we learned a few things about each other so hey who cares.
by sunday i knew we wouldnt have school monday. too much ice at just the right time caused school to be canceled, fucking the best thing ever.
quite excited for hockey games this week; thursday against a tough longmeadow team then saturday, the pregame of guys night out, against them brownies
i think thats it..//