
Jul 08, 2005 13:15

Yeah reboot, not the show, I mean I had to reboot the whole computer. The dumb thing is I forgot to write down the phone number and password of our old connection. And me being the sad little person I am, I started writting in the computer as if it was a online journal. Sad I know.

Yes my grammar sucks, eat it!

Friday, July 01, 2005
It's 9:28 PM, a few minutes before I go to work. Yesterday night I saw Alfredo at the Shell. He told me he needed to talk and invited me to Old San Juan with him. I accepted his invitation and told him I would be there after 10:00 PM. I got there, saw him with some girl and he took off to do God knows what with her. He came back in about half an hour. With him were two other friends, Chris and David. I didn't mind them at all, that is untill Chris saw David from affar, and not knowing it is him he says 'I don't like that dude'. I'm like 'you don't even know him and you say you don't like him just because of apereances?' I just looked at him from top to bottom, he tells me 'I just saw him with my third eye'.
Long pause... 'Oh please, spare me. You're not different, you're not fucking special. I'ts called LIFE. DEAL WITH IT!'. All of this were just thoughts in my head. I mean I just met him, I didn't want to hurt the guy. Well just another goth. After a while the other guy comes close enough and then he notices it was David. I just laugh and say 'And here I thought you didn't like him'. I just hate goths that make up crap like that. I know there are some people out there that actually have strange and wonderfull abilities. But some Goths just start out lying to impress someone else, and end up believing it themselves. It's pathetic, and I'm getting tired of it.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
After getting out of work at 6 am I went straight to bed. Around 12pm I get a call from my mother to get ready because she was on her way to pick me up. I reluctantly get up, bathe and get dressed to run some errands with my mum. After a not so bad day of shoping [even with my little brother along] around 6pm we get home. Oh glorious internet, where have you been. As you can guess the internet at the apartmant does not work, but at laest at home it does ^_^. I was online for a while and told all my online friends that I was having trouble with my connection. After that I went to Piggy's to get the World of Darkness book. Had to hide it in my back-pack. If my mother ever saw that she would flip. I got back to the apartment at about 9pm. I should go to sleep since I work at 6am tomorow morning T_T...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
2 hours before work, I check if today my internet decides to work. It connects like it usually does, or it fools me to believe that it is. But then when I try to open any darn internet page it just wont. I know what your doing, and it wont work! I knew the internet had something against me... oh no, wait, that was gossip. Oh well.
Today I woke up, took [<-however you write that] a nice long shower, and was about to make myself breakfast untill I saw my friends sleeping all over the living room. It was such a kodak moment, but I was affraid if I took a picture the flash would wake them up. Then they would chase me all over San Juan. No matter, I'll always have the memory of it... darn memory.
Tina worked untill 7am today, to work again at 1pm, I imagine, in the Hamberger. She's crazy I tell you. There is no way in hell I would do something like that.
I'm a little pissed at the guys. I mean if they were sleeping in the livivng room, I wouldn't have slept in the room with air conditioning. Why? 'cause I'm all alone and I have to pay the bill. The whole reason I even went into that room was so all of us could sleep there. It totaly sucks. But they still looked cute in the morning.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I'm so bored... I need anime. A long, very, very, long anime. A long, hard, get you bothered kind of anime... No I'm kidding. Though the thought of hentai isn't that bad. *Slaps self* Don't be such a fool! Hentai whould never last all those hours of free time you have! And masturbation only lasts, what? 15 minutes? Godammit! It sucks being alone here with absolutely nothing to do...
PIGGY! Pick up the damn phone! What's the phone for anyways?
*Dramatic Music begins to play from nowhere* I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I swear, by the boredom that haunts me daily, that I will get you a God forsaken cell phone.
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