Picked up more comics today. A few New 52's, Justice League Dark, The Flash, and Teen Titans (all of which were really good, I'd recommend them) and Cable & Deadpool back issues 13 & 14 (not the ones I mentioned last time, oddly enough but probably one of my fav C&DP arcs anyway) and Neverwhere 3, which I got for free (and because hello, favorite
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- Favorite Male Character Superboy. It's the daddy issues. They get me every time.
- Favorite Female Character M'gann M'orzz. She is absolutely adorbs.
- Favorite Het Ship M'gann/Kaldur. He called her M'gann insted of Megan that first time when she said she didn't have a problem with people calling her by her self-chosen "Earth name" way back when. Idek why but that really got me.
- Favorite Slash Ship ( both M/M and F/F ) Wally West/Roy Harper. Roy is such an angstbrat and I love that Wally gets all indignant on his behalf and still hopes that he'll want to be on the team. Also, Wally/crush on various Justice Leaguers. Like onesided-crushing!Wally/John Stewart or onesided-crushing!Wally/Batman. (The Batman thing is because I shipped Flash/Batman in JL/JLU animated :3) F/F would have to be M'gann/Artemis. They're so different and come from such different worlds (literally!) and I think they'd balance each other nicely.
- Least Favorite Male Character Superman. He is such an asshole, guys. Deadbeat Dad's called. They want their posterboy back.
- Least Favorite Female Character Er. Don't have one, actually. Artemis is pretty boss and so is Black Canary so. The answer would have to be none.
- Least Favorite Het Ship Superboy/M'gann. It is tres awkward to watch this unfold on my tv screen. And I seem to have a canon pairs aversion anyway. Less romance more bff-ness, I say! Could you imagine it? Completely platonic Supey and M'gann baking cookies and burning down the cave with no ulterior motives like wanting to kiss/get into someone's pants/etc? God, that would make my life.
- Least Favorite Slash Ship ( both M/M and F/F ) Kid Flash/Robin. Robin is thirteen, fandom. And also, sometimes bff's can be just exactly that. (Also, I like to imagine Young Justice!Wally grows up to be JLU!Wally and Batman/Flash still happens. This is not cute if Wally ever previously dated Bruce's son. It may be possible that I have thought about this too much.) No least fav F/F.
- Dirty Little Secret Not a secret but it should (my shame, what happened to it?) be Superman's total fail regarding his clone is what made me fall for this show. The annnngst and Superboy's emo is the best thing ever.
- Headcanon(s) Superboy is an asexual aromantic. Idek why but I had it in my head since I saw the first episode and have been disappointed where things were going ever since. :/
- Unpopular Opinion(s) Er. The disappointment in the Superboy/M'gann thing for one. And also, someone on the kinkmeme said (back in March but I read it last night and it kind of got me thinking) that what if Superboy's feelings for her were a product of her fixing his memories in Bereft (1.09). The idea that she could have accidentally made him fall for her is an intriguing one. Not that I think that is the case but what if... That would make a cool comic story line, tbh. But I know fandom has a hate on for M'gann so much already that this would only make things worse.
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