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The questions are lame but obviously-tired!Scotty at 0:58 is flippin' adorable. I want to take him to bed (not like that, you pervs or, at least, not in this instance...) and tuck him in and stroke his hair while he sleeps.* He's just. alskdjf;skdfj cute. OMG SCOTTY Y U KEEP DOIN' THIS TO ME, BABE? UR MAKIN' ME MELT LIKE THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST. And you know, I love that even though he's so obviously exhausted he still manages to crack a joke at his costars. ♥
* Someone needs to write a Steve/Danno ficlet in which something like this happens because Danny would be all "lemme just finish one more form, jackass." (Because he's totally pissed off that Steve had him running all over the goddamn the island for the past week and he's only had maybe 10 hours of sleep in the last 6 days and they finally, finally caught the bastards an hour ago, which was lucky because Danny's practically dead on his feet, and if he could just finish these last few forms today, that would be just, amazingly awesome because then he could go home and sleep and after he woke he could then spend the whole weekend with Grace like he had planned.) But Steve would be all "you're about to pass out, Danno. Lemme take you to bed" and that would totally just fly over Danny's head and he'd be all *grumblegrumble* "Fine," because the damn forms are all blurry and he can't even read them anymore, not knowing what he agreed to because he really is that tired. And Steve would be all :D. And so Steve would take Danny to Steve's house because he thinks Danny's "apartment" is a rat trap masquerading as an actual place of residence and then he'd "help" Danny undress and he'd put him in Steve's big soft comfortable bed. And then he'd give him this totally amazing and toe-curlingly good blowjob that Danny really wasn't expecting and Danny couldn't even fake!protest the receiving of this blow job because he's so exhausted and it feels so good, my god, Steve's *mouth*, and then Steve would swallow when Danny comes and Danny would be lost to the sandman's good will.
Or, you know. Something like that. *cough*
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