You know what I really really want to see re: Hawaii Five-0 fandom? STRIPPER FIC. MORE TO THE POINT, STEVE-AS-A-STRIPPER FIC. I just. Don't even know where this comes from, to be quite honest. *facepalm* But imagine Steve (undercover or AU, I'm not picky) in nothing but tiny stripper panties (I hesitate to say 'thong', I'm not sure why) working the pole or better yet, giving Danno a lapdance. I just. Yeah. *thinks about it* Man's got a body that won't quit, y'all. I'm just sayin'... YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE HOT. AND AWESOME. AND LULZIER THAN ALL GET OUT.
Just. Think about it for a second, really think about it and then tell me the idea isn't an awesome. And, okay, mostly I just want crackfic. :/
In other news, I just realized today that I never thanked
dwell_ondreams for
the v-gift she sent me a while back. I thought that I had, could of swore I did, really, but going through my most recent posts I'm realizing... I didn't? And now I feel like a total flaky d-bag (flaky I usually am, d-bag not so much). But thank you Lynn, it was sweet of you and I appreciate it more than you know. *glomps*
And lastly, LJ tells me this is my 2000th post, whut. No, srsly. I cannae believe it. I've had this journal since 2003, how is this even possible? Funny that out of all of the things I've started and given up in my lifetime, fandom (via LiveJournal) is the one I've stuck with the longest. Not that I'd have it any other way. I've met some of the most awesome people I know through this here journal. Can't say I regret it at all.
And okay, I have to add:
Dear Self,
Way to go with posting about how you basically want to see O'Lock's ass in a thong for this here monumental post. Way to stay classy, girl.
Crossposted at Dreamwidth |