May 14, 2010 03:19
An open letter to my favorite one-armed assassin...
To my Dearest Alex Krycek,
You... are such a douchebag. No, really. You are.
If this show was still on the air, I'd say 'Krycek, stop being such a douchebag' in the hopes that you would somehow magically stop being such a douchebag but it's not and saying so would be a futile waste of breath and effort, so I won't.
Because we all know how your story ends.
You douchebag.
You're lucky I'm a masochist still love you anyway. For some strange reason I cannot explain. Though it probably had to do with that hotass chin scruff and that fitted leather jacket you had going on in 'Dead Alive' (S8E15). Because yeah. Yowza.
All my lust love & frustration,
hotass is hot,
the x-files,
open letter