- Oy. I have a headache the size of Texas.
- I finally started watching the Beck anime. It is made of awesome and win and rockin' music. I'm so sad that there's only 26 episodes. Why didn't they make more of this wonderful anime? I don't know.
What is wrong with you Japan? lulz
I weep because I'm never going to see Beck reunite on their American tour and then come back to Japan and kick Belle Ame's butt's to kingdom come. Not that I know if that actually happens because I have yet to finish reading the manga. :/
ETA: The engrish makes me lol. And randomly, I totally need a Chiba icon...
- There was no fic writing to be done today. Re-reading some of my stuff I have come to the conclusion that all my fic is made of fail and lose and even more fail. But that could be because it's that time of the month. Or it could be because it's all crap and I should be lucky this is not my day job. HA. Who knows?
I'm contemplating making my own Mary Sue's and Gary Stu's original characters and seeing what I can come up with (not for any fandom in particular, just an original something or other). But today will not be the day for that, I don't think.
I don't know, I've been pretty indecisive lately. (Ya think? LOL)
But for srs, the one story I'm actually proud of was kind of written in a fit of pique. Grah.
I've been using this as my desktop background since it came out. Looking at it so much has helped me come to the conclusion that given the chance (i.e. if I lived in a world where Naruto was real) I would do each and every one of them. YES, EVEN SANDAIME, FUCKERS. Lolarious, I know but it is nonetheless true. I would do them all in any combination: one on one, two at a time, three at a time, etc etc. (You get the picture ;P)
What can I say? It would be hot and given the opportunity I would be a slut.
You know, I thought about making a f!s about that and then decided, LOL I don't care if people know that. It is what it is and I don't make it a habit of hiding my perversity.
- This afternoon, I read a ridiculously hot story from the spn_j2_bigbang. There was... more porn than plot but that's okay because the porn was really really fucking hot.
And? It had me imagining what life would be like if Jared and Jensen were on a Sean Cody/Corbin Fisher-like website. MMM. Boy porn.
Anywho, I'll probably do a list of bigbang recs on giant_recs soonish. Probably.
- Um, I still haven't finished FFXII?
Heh, no.
So, I've clocked about 45+ hours on that game. It's mostly all the extra time I spend running around killing beasts so I can level up and attempting to do the side quests and Hunts. Some of those are haaard. Like that fucking White Mousse. GAWD. It's hard enough to try to get to the place where it's at much less actually kill it. And I'm at level 30 for all of the characters already and still can't do it! WHAT GIVESSS?
And what the fuck ever, every time I see the word 'flan' it just makes me hungry.
But yeah, FFXII has one of the HOTTEST characters to come out of a Final Fantasy game in ages. Yes, even hotter than Tidus. *gasp* LOL Srsly, Balthier? 100% Animated Hotass Goodness. Balthier's accent is particularly nice as well. He is the leading man after all, is he not? ^^
Um, aaand that's all I got. For now, at least. Go fig.