Ok, that last episode of Lost?
Yeah, I missed it when it first aired and yeah, I downloaded it, and yeah. I just fucking watched it. But NO, I cannot fucking believe it!
How could they fucking kill Boone?!
J.J. Abrams is going to burn in a fiery pit in hell for this. I can't watch these fucking dramas. Killing off people like that, who the hell do they think they are? What the hell do they think this is? It's not a fucking movie. I don't want to see people I like fucking die!
I just... why... why would he... I can't understand it... he was one of my favorites... and I just... it hurts.
*curls up into a ball and cries*
It hurts so bad.
I don't think I'll be able to watch this show for a long, long time. I'm going on Lost Hiatus.
Yeah, I know I'm fucking late but, I don't care!