amaaazingly enough, I don't think I've ever pimped/rec'd
The Misadventures of Sir Ian the Gay. If you haven't read, then... we have different fandoms!
you should go to
lymphomaniacs and read, but it's up to twenty something chapters now. Yeah, it's LOTRPS, but there isn't any sex or whatnot until, oh, lots of chapters. And if i remember correctly, it's just gets more and more crack!ficcy the further you read. What I'm rambling at you is: YOU SHOULD SO TOTALLY READ EVERY SINGLE JUICY CHAPTER.
I seriously need to cut back on the sugar and replace it with sleep, because otherwise I start sounding like this (i.e., stoned/retahded/ditzy - maybe even all three!)
Some of you may know that catchy song about death and decomposing, of which the lyrics are in couplets, but i'll bet one dollar you didn't know that:
jelly between your toes = jelly up your dog
beepy car key-chain = FOB
I wonder if this is what it's like to be drunk - probably more pleasant. It's only finger laziness which is keeping me from typing all the "like"'s I would be saying IF I was actually talking. tricky!
I get to spend this weekend surrounded by little kids who hug back with their baby shampoo hair and sticky, warm little hands and adorable faces la la LOVE!!!
Well, tonight's been
see you Monday, kids.
P.S. girls shouldn't call girls azn H0RS, because I'd be all "them dem. That's anti-love, yo.
ETA: sorry for the incoherence. nah. coherent=square, and square=straight edge=so very un-cool. hah! I've forgotten the point of this ALREADY. someone make me fudge.