mmm, yeah...

Mar 05, 2004 19:16

I just want to point out that it is Friday, I have minimum schoolwork, but I don't have school for a week. The point being: this is the first chance I've had to read for a solid block of time in AGES and I promise I'll be getting to the stage wherein I revel in my undying flist love, but books first.

♥ ♥ ♥

relaxing music, pillows, and NEW books on my bookshelf - these are books that I have NEVER read before, including a short story book! [has not read a good short story book since eighth grade]

This, my friends, is heaven.

Happy Part Two:

Part Two and a Half: I have had about two hours of sleep in about the last 36 hours. give or give a few.

Cheers, darlings! Go out and have fun, or light candles and curl up with a good book. Heck, curl up with a good person, if you can! MASSIVE ♥'s for everyone

The last few weeks have happily reminded me that good things come with bad. The stress and sleeplessness are now being rewarded with a long break, gorgeous weather, and me not being broke. Not that I plan on splurging, mind you. I just plan on making this the most enjoyable week I have had and will have in a while :))))

So what all this boils down to is GODS, sometimes I will I had a roommate or a boyfriend who would be really convenient for hugging/holding, because I feel so full of love the anything and everything right now and I just want to share. It's not just in my mind, either. By rights, some of my muscles should be sore and I should feel tired, but I feel like I'm oozing happiness. Like if I looked down at my hands, I would see a healthy, glowing, pink haze hanging over my skin.
's hard to describe, but it feels really REALLY good.
mmmyeah.i'm goingto pile pillowsaroundmea ndr eadnow.yum sloppy
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