Quoted from someone =)

Jun 21, 2006 23:35

how do u see death?

how do u think of death?

do u fear it? or do u just see it coming?

wat's gonna happen once we die? will we be forgotten?

think of death as a real scary scene ... u leave this world in darkness .. losing everything u ever achieved . peopl forgetting u .. and once again u're alone.. somewhere.

or will it be .. smiling while u're leaving ... and thinking bout all the sweet memories u've ever had ... and leaving knowing wat u live for and acomplished in this life of urs.

is death really that scary? or is it a born of a new life? who knows .

will u go to heaven? or is there even a place called heaven ?

if there was ... do u think u'll get up to heaven ? if everyone does go up .. isn't it the same as living in ur own country ... with still many problems? does heaven even have so much space?

if there're really gods .. have u seen them or feel them? perhaps the ones that feels god presence might go up to heaven .... and wat happens  to the rest? i believe there're expectations too from gods.. so that u can go up to heaven joining them . if there was a god ... y weren't they there when ur best friend got an unwanted pregnancy? y weren't they there when ur best friend died in an accident? or y weren't they there when u needed money? do u think that god will forgive all ur sins? they might be pissed off as well.. if jesus died just to clear our sins.. to bring our sins upon to himself... and u mother fucker is still sin-ning. u do think u;re fair to god? u're just a selfish bastard putting every tab on his name isn't it? just don't give god any troubles if u believe in him.

i only believe in myself. whatever u do , theres an outcome. simple as that. so before u die .. wat do u wish for to happen? make it come true ... do u just wanna die like THAT? or do u wanna find ur reason in life... ur purpose in living... y u were born ... and die happily knowing all the reasons .. it's up to u.

Quoted from someone =)
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